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How To Make A Backbone? Is a question, NOT an answer...

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well, i have a big (huge) question, how a ISP make a backbone? thats because in my country doesn't exist a backbone(and obiously the speeds are very slow), and i want to know how..... The first thing that i think is a huge computer, (or a several group of them) like sgi supercomputers [ http://www.sgi.com/products/servers/?/4000/ ]

but if anyone can help me to understand the way of working of a backbone i will be very pleased,


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well, i have a big (huge) question, how a ISP make a backbone? thats because in my country doesn't exist a backbone(and obiously the speeds are very slow), and i want to know how..... The first thing that i think is a huge computer, (or a several group of them) like sgi supercomputers [ http://www.sgi.com/products/servers/?/4000/ ]
but if anyone can help me to understand the way of working of a backbone i will be very pleased,


yes that is mostly correct its normaly a couple servers hooked up to one another called clustering and then there are normaly a set of these in each area/city that the company supports

like with most big websites such as lets say sony or something. you are actually linking to a cluster in lets say sanfransico or maybe newyork instead of a cluster over in japan (where there hq is...)

but most something like that with a hell of nice network connection so theres no lag and waht not

On the Internet or other wide area network, a backbone is a set of paths that local or regional networks connect to for long-distance interconnection. The connection points are known as network nodes or telecommunication data switching exchanges (DSEs).

heres a site that can explain it better than me

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Weird question but anyway, the backbone has the fastest speed and bandwidth an ISP has and it transmits data from your country or state to another through an optical or multiple optical cables. The linkage of these optical cables makes the logical web connection to all over the world. That's where it got that name, World Wide Web or the Internet.It cost a bomb to maintain and build such backbone. The ISPs uses its subscribers money to pay for its maintainance and bandwidth. Practically, no one is able to build that individually because of its cost. Furthermore, it is not easy to maintain as well and it requires a high standard of quality of service and it can never be down. So don't even think of making one..

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Weird question

a little bit, but im asking because some colleges and universities from my country want to set up a backbone, but as i can see, is going to be impossible :S

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