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Unknown History Of Words.....interesting

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Know some unknown history of words............................MOPED is the short term for 'Motorized Pedaling'.POP MUSIC is 'Popular Music' shortened.BUS is the short term for 'Omnibus' that means everybody.FORTNIGHT comes from 'Fourteen Nights' (Two Weeks).DRAWING ROOM was actually a 'withdrawing room' where people withdrew afterDinner. Later the prefix 'with' was dropped.NEWS refers to information from Four directions N, E, W and S.AG-MARK, which some products bear, stems from 'Agricultural Marketing'.JOURNAL is a diary that tells about 'Journey for a day' during each Day'sbusiness.QUEUE comes from 'Queen's Quest'. Long back a long row of people aswaiting to see the Queen. Someone made the comment Queen's Quest.TIPS come from 'To Insure Prompt Service'. In olden days to get Promptservice from servants in an inn, travelers used to drop coins in a Boxon which was written 'To Insure Prompt Service'. This gave rise to thecustom of Tips.JEEP is a vehicle with unique Gear system. It was invented during WorldWar II (1939-1945). It was named 'General Purpose Vehicle(GP)'.GP was changed into JEEP later.

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