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Referrals, Hits, Sitesearch

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I use Google AdSense for our Congregational Website. We don't get a lot of hits, but we get lots of revenue for some reason. Yesterday, we got 76 hits and earned $4. That was our first day, so I am not sure if that's a lot or a little, but from an administrative point of view (the money not going to me), its better then nothing.


I implemented the small referrals button on our forums, index header and index footer links area. No one has done anything with them yet, but I don't really understand how they work from reading the FAQ on the Google help area. It says I get $100 if someone gets a new account by being referred by my site. Is that all that really is to it?


And, our site used to use GoogleSearch, and I am not sure how many hits it got, but would there be a significant change were we to switch to the ad one?




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