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Review Of Bitdefender Internet Security Version 9 guess what Mayank is the reviewer

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Well, This is my first review and I have chosen BitDefender Internet Security Version 9 for this. I am not a good reviewer but I'll try to provide all the information which I've noticed in this time period.

First of all, I would like to mention the features it has...and I think it has all the features which an internet security program must have.

- Antivirus
- Firewall
- Anti spyware
- Anti Spam
- Parental control

Now, I will startup with the installation (as every program starts from here :huh:), well, Installation is fairly simple and there is no hassle in doing that..anyways these days it is the case with each and every software...so we need not worry about that much...But the best part about its installation is that it connects to the internet..searches for the latest available..definitions and then scans the computer in the middle of Installation..This ensures that there is no virus in the starting itself.

What happens after installation..It sets up the firewall settings and runs a so called "Rule wizard" in which you can define the computer..i.e. wheather is it a part of network or does it connects directly! and after you set up that..it is ready to be used...after the reboot! ;)

Now I'll point out on the important points..which makes it a good/bad product. (will be decided later on). The ratings will be on the scale of 5!

EASE OF USE/Interface :- Well, I've personally found that BIT DEFENDER has a good, nice and clean interface and the best thing is that you see a flow in the interface with exteremly cute looking menus...nice and simple! But the only place where it lacks is the advanced firewall configurations..I faced a bit problem in making certain changes in the advanced settings of the firewall and I know that those settings wont be reqiured by normal users..so it is not a big negative for it. Also, it has got a small window which shows..two zones, FILE ZONE & NET ZONE and these zones shows you the activity on the internet and the local computer...Infact you can drag and drop files on the file zone and it will scan your files..It stores the log of each and every scan, so that you actually know..what exactly was done and what were the results..for future reference.

Rating : 4.5/5

Effectiveness :- Well, Personally I find that not only it is a good and effective antivirus, it leaves a good impression with its anti-spyware too! Apart from the advanced configuration the firewall is also very easy to use..It prompts for the approval and disapproval of the applications and lets you know that which software is trying to access the internet connection. I've been saved a lot of time..when I got a software and it had a spyware in it..but it blocked..I've been lucky that I didnt get any virus on my computer..till date!

Not only this...It's been given VB 100% Award on three different platforms of Microsoft..they are Windows XP, windows 2003 server and windows NT workstation 4.0. To know more about the VB 100 % award please refer to the site https://www.virusbulletin.com/

The mission of the Antivirus module is to ensure detection and removal of all viruses in the wild. BitDefender Antivirus uses robust scan engines, certified by ICSA Labs, Virus Bulletin, Checkmark, CheckVir and TÜV.

This is from the bitdefender's readme file! So, that means that it is also certified by ICSA labs and through a internet source I've come to know that it has got the ICSA 2005 award as well!
Rating : 5/5

As far as other modules are concerned...I.e. Antispam and parental control..I am not sure about them at all the reason for that is I dont use them! There's no point in having parental control when I am the youngst one in the house (21 years old) and I am the only one who uses this computer ;) and as far as anti-spam is concerned..I use GMAIL..so I am already safe from SPAM ;)

Now, I know that I was not able to give you the complete information about this software but as far as I've noticed and as far as I've seen its reviews..it has emerged as a good software..and infact has been rated the best by most of the reviewrs! It is making the market leaders a good competition and becoming a pain in their B*tt!

And yes I forgot to inform you about a great feature of its...and that is the UPDATE..I know most of you will say that what's new in that...But I'll say that there is nothing new about it...but they do have a great update system...I get updates almost everyday infact 3-4 times a day..so they keep on updating the sofware to make sure that the customer's computer is safe from latest threats.

And finally the support! Well, again I dont have much information about this too...the reason..I've not faced even a single problem with it..so I never got a chance to check there support ;)

So, from the points I've noticed and used the software I'll give an overall rating of 4.75/5 which is simply great! And by all these I'll suggest you that if you are looking for an antivirus software..then this is the right choice for you! If you actually dont want to use the PARENTAL CONTROL or anything like that...then go for PROFFESIONAL PLUS...because it is not having the parental control and is cheap as well!

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