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Danish Websites Hit By Dos Attacks And Defacements Sorr if ofn

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Danish websites hit by DoS attacks and defacements
Humphrey Cheung

10 Feb 2006 01:23

In the past week, hundreds of Danish newspapers, blogs and other websites have been hit by hackers. Most of these attacks were Denial of Service attacks, which are easily done by sending a flood of traffic against a website. In other attacks, hackers defaced the websites to show anti-Danish messages including calls for boycotts and violence.

These attacks come after Muslims denounced newspapers from several European countries, Denmark in particular, for printing cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. Zone-H, an Internet security website, said it has been tracking the affected websites and currently has a list of almost 1000 sites.

Politically oriented website defacements have been happening for several years. Back in 2003, hundreds of websites were defaced leading up to the Iraq conflict. The ongoing tensions between Pakistan and India have also spawned website attacks by both sides.

The Jyllands-Posten newspaper site, the newspaper that originally printed the cartoons, has not yet been successfully hacked.

Full article http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


I found it kind of interesting what about you?

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I remember going to a website a couple of years ago that showed cartoons that were in Iranian newspapers. The cartoons were extremely insulting to the US, Russia, Israel, and other countries, especially European ones, as well as Christians and Jews. And none of the Muslims were protesting about those being bigoted, blasphemous, intolerant or unfair to Christianity or Judaism. Their cartoons remind me of propaganda put out during WWI and WWII. They were duhumanizing the non-Muslim subjects shown. The purpose of propaganda like that during wars is to make it easier to think of the other side as the enemy, and easier to kill them. It's no wonder there's so many terrorists in the Middle East, the media is putting out war type propaganda. So why should they complain about a few cartoons about Mohammed? They expect everybody non-Muslim to treat Islam with far more concern than they themselves show non-Muslim people and religions. Why do they feel free to insult other countries, cultures and religions, but complain it's unfair and disrespectful if other people do it to them. Why do they expect other people to show more fairness and respect than they do? How can they honestly think their religion and culture is better than everybody elses, when they appeal to other people to act better than they do?"Don't do as I do, do as I say, so you're better than I am." "But I'm still better than you anyway." Isn't that just more than a little bit hypocritical? They're having riots and killing people over a few newspaper cartoons! They claim most Muslims are peaceful people. But these riots are happening all over the world, not with just a handful of extremists in one small place. How peaceful is that? The whole thing has given me a lower opinion of Muslims than I had before. Which wasn't that high because of their lack of belief in human rights, and the way they treat women.

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