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Aviator, Sig & Banner Request

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I would like to request a Wolverhampton Wanderes signature. I would like my avator to conclude something thanking Steve Bull for his work at Molinuex.


And I would like to see Steve Bull in his England shirt and in his Wolves shirt, the Wolves badge and Molineux as the background for my sig, I would also like my aviator in the sig too.


I would also like and aviater made up for me as I am starting my own Football Manager clan it is called Championship Fighters Clan, and I am the clan leader.


I dont know if I am pushing it but I would also like a banner made up for the clan maybe with different badges, grounds & players from the elite teams or something like that



Thanks in advance...


Notice from jlhaslip:
Please read the Rules about this Free Banner Service.

Firstly, you require 10 posts to be made before the request would be honoured.

Secondly, the requests remain invisible until a Moderator accepts them, so the duplicate you have submitted will be deleted.

Thirdly, Request is for both an Avatar and a Banner including the Avatar.

Fourth, Not everyone is familiar with the subject of Steve Bull (me for instance), so on your next request, please provide a link to the subject matter so the gfx member can source out the material to be used.



Edited by jlhaslip (see edit history)

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