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Javascript And Php

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Are you using Radio buttons for your polls? If yes then when you submit the forum then it will submit that information, however if you want to use JS to edit the page ou can do a hidden forum field with the answer then submit it.

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It depends on weather you are using a form or not. If you are using a form, in your javascript, you will submit the form. In this case make sure your radiobutton group or checkbox (whatever you use for selecting the choice) is part of the form. If you are not using form, you will have to redirect to the php script in your url with selected choice value as parameter.

In your php script, you can obtain the value from $_REQUEST variable array.

For example, if you have radio_1 as one radio button group, you can get the selected value by


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thanks all;

kvkv i understand your words.u mean i should pass the selectd checkbox to the url then identify it by $_request in php!!

is that what do you mean?


Yes. But the easier way is to use a form.





This will give you multiple check boxes (4 in this case) with a submit button. When user selects the answer and clicks submit button, it will be submitted to the action script (evaluate.php in above example). You don't have to pass any values in url explicitly, but if the checkbox is selected, the variable will be automatically available in the action script.

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sorry my demands needs javascript in code, here is a part of my code:

$pollAnswers .= "<form name=\"poll" . $pollid . "\" method=\"post\">\n";	$pollAnswers .= "<table width=\"100%\" dir=\"rtl\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"" . $pollbgcolor . "\">\n";	$num_results2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);	if ($num_results2 > 0)	{  while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))  {  	$pollAnswers .= "<tr>\n";  	$pollAnswers .= "<td width=\"5\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"sel\" value=\"" . $row2["id"] . "\" onClick=\"document.poll" . $pollid . ".hsel.value='" . $row2["id"] . "';\"></td>\n";  	$pollAnswers .= "<td width=\"100%\" align=\"right\" nowrap><font face=\"" . $pollfontface . "\" size=\"" . $pollfontsize . "\" color=\"" . $pollfontcolor . "\" style=\"MARGIN-RIGHT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px\">" . $row2["Choice"] . "</font></td>\n";  	$pollAnswers .= "</tr>\n";  }  $pollAnswers .= "<tr>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "<td height=\"5\" colspan=\"2\" nowrap><spacer type=\"vertical\" height=\"5\"></td>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "</tr>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "<tr>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "<td colspan=\"2\">\n";  $pollAnswers .= "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"" . $polltfooterbgcolor . "\">\n";  $pollAnswers .= "<tr>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "<td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" onClick=\"openVote('$pollid',document.poll" . $pollid . ".hsel.value)\"></td>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "<td width=\"50%\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript: openResult('$pollid')\"><font face=\"" . $polltfooterfontface . "\" size=\"" . $polltfooterfontsize . "\" color=\"" . $polltfooterfontcolor . "\">view results</font></a></td>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "</tr>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "</table>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "</td>\n";  $pollAnswers .= "</tr>\n";	}	$pollAnswers .= "</table>\n";	$pollAnswers .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hsel\" value=\"\">\n";	$pollAnswers .= "</form>\n";

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