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A Dream I Had

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Okay long story
We have a outdoor fireplace and we have been having fires in it all winter. I wanted the first bigger and bigger so I would throw in leaves and paper. Then i went to bed and I had this dream about random spots of my yard catching on fire and then I would put the first out. Then about 2 nights later I had the same dream.
After that 2nd dream i said to my self I have to do something about it. So I had another fire and I made the fire bigger and bigger then I quit having those dreams. Then about 3 weeks about those first 2 dreams we had another first last night it was big also. Then I had that dream again but this time more spots where on fire and me, my dad, my mom, my brother, my next door neighbor and this wife and their two daughors where helping me get the fire out. Then after we would get the spots of fire out more spots would catch on fire. More and more spots where catching on fire then the fire spread to my moms car then it exploded then I woke up with a big lip i think i was biteing it durning the dream because it was huge really. The dream must have lasted about 10 hours.
I did a dream search for fire and it said

Depending on the context of your dream, to see fire in your dream can symbolizes destruction, passion, desire, illumination, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. It may suggest that something old is passing and something new is entering your life. Your thoughts and views are changing. In particular, if the fire is under control or contained in one area, it is a metaphor of your own internal fire and inner transformation. It also represents your drive and motivation.


To dream that you put out a fire, signifies that you will overcome your obstacles in your life through much work and effort.

So what do you think its about? Can someone please help me because I dont want to have dreams like that again

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I'll be like a fortune teller. the fire could be mistakes that you make, that cause problems later on (consequences). To avoid the consequences, you may lie to parents/people or just create temporary fixes. But eventually it all adds up and you end up with lots of stuff...like lots of problems.

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amhsoI'll be like a fortune teller. the fire could be mistakes that you make, that cause problems later on (consequences). To avoid the consequences, you may lie to parents/people or just create temporary fixes. But eventually it all adds up and you end up with lots of stuff...like lots of problems.

When you said the fire could be mistakes I made, like what kind of mistakes or any kind?
I havent been lieing, well i think.

We had another fire outside yesterday then I went to bed and I didnt have that dream. I am so glad

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