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17 Villagers Killed By Us Troops In Pakistan

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In another serious try to kill Ayman al zawahri , Bin Laden deputy , the 17 pakistanian villagers were killed during an air strike on a smalle village "Damadola" .

after burying their deads in rapidly dug graves , sever protests and demonstrations broke out in many areas in pakistan , in khar , angry crowd attacked a US social aid office and took away the furnitures and computers ... More than 8,000 protested in Inayat Qala , repeating angry slogans against USA and tried to block the roads with so much disturbances ... people condemned the strike described it as "open terrorism from usa" and also condemned pakistan president pervez mosharaf polices that lead to such incidents...


guys , seems that the CIA still needs really alot of reforms ... as we see , the CIA agents thought that villagers carrying thier simple tools a mighty terrorists ... and how would george bush appologize this time???[/b]

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I think US should use some other approach to find Laden. Air strikes are harmful and such casualities cannot be avoided. I am sure, the pilots didn't do it on purpose because they know the consequences. Reading the above, I cannot tell who is to blame. There has never been a war in which innocent civilians were NOT compromised. US should appologise Pakistan for the mishap and should be careful next time. However, no person can hide without the support of the people. So, its an obvious fact that the people are supporting the person whom the US miliary are searching. So, If they think they have the right to protest, they should also try their best to notify the miliary about any information regarding the terrorist.

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I heard the news from a Television channel yesterday but I've not heard the news source saying that the villagers were killed. If they have been killed by the bombing I am really sorry for them.


And for you dr.a.sultan, I suggest you to quote the source from which you got this news that will give more credibility to your First Information report. Otherwise, it doesn't stand authenticated.


There could be many different views on this bombing.... whatever it is the innocent people are always victims.

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dragonfly: I agree with you as far as credibility is concerned; I've read about this incident yesterday here (in german); this [CNN.com] is one of this guy's sources.

opaque: yes, the pakistani people, at least in the area around the border to Afghanistan don't share their government's position in the war on terrorism.

The number of casualties fluctuates between sources, the pakistani military says 14 people; pakistani media write about 18 killed and 6 severely injured, among the dead are said to be eight children between 5 and 10 years of age and four women. According to Sahibzada Haroon Rashid, member of the pakistani government, there were neither members of al-Qua'eda nor foreigners among the dead.
A couple of days before this attack, UAVs have been seen above this village; probably information gathered by those has been used to "identify" al-Zawahiri (said to be al-Qua'eda's no. 2 - but a hierarchical naming system is not useful to describe a non-hierarchical network) and Mullah Omar (member of the Taliban). Taliban spokespersons claim that no Taliban official was in this region at the time of the attacks.
-This is a shortened version of what seems to be the facts which can be gathered on al-Jazeera, CNN and several other sites; look at my german source to find a couple of links, most of those point to english sites-

This is another incident which shows how much respect US officials have for the lifes of innocent persons; "friendly" governments (after all, Pakistan is a member of the Coalition of the Willing/Stupid/whatever you name them):

1) The CIA conducted an air strike on pakistani territory even though Pakistan never gave permission for US armed personnel to use force on it. By this logic, US military and secret services will use force and risk killing innocent people in Berlin, London, Paris as well if they've got "reliable information".

2) Based on what has been called "reliable information" that at least three wanted terrorists entered at least one of the three houses, these three houses have been flatted. There was no hint yet that anyone at any point in the chain of command even spent one single thought about other people who might be sleeping in these houses (they struck at around 3:00 AM local time. What do people at your place usually do at this time?)

One very important question comes to my mind: Would the CIA [which has, according to US media, conducted the strike] fire missiles at villages in Germany if they had "reliable information" that someone they want dead or alive (in this order) has entered a house somewhere? And if not, why are 18 german people worth more than 18 pakistani people?

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