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Discuss Your Os Game Point out +/- of your Operating System

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This thread is the Discuss your OS Game!

The "Discuss your OS" game is a remake of the +/=/- game some forums do to rate people on their ideas. Basically, this is a chance for you to discuss your opinions on any Operating System you use. The way you do this is simple:

1. Click the "Post Reply Button"
2. Put these symbols onto four separate lines:


3. Where it says OS: , you type the Operating System you use (Example: Windows XP). Then on each other line write your opinions about that System. Next to the + write something(s) you like the most, next to the - things you don't. The line marked = allows you to write anything "neutral", ie. Neither good nor bad.

4. Click the Post button and you're in the game!

In case you don't get the idea, here's an example post:

Here's my opinion on an OS I use.
OS: Windows 98
+ Good theme, easy to understand.
= DOS-based, making it very faulty.
- Unstable, crashes often.

Anyone else think the same?

The best thing about this game is, if you have an opinion about someone else's OS, then there's always room for you to share your opinion too! In fact, why not put several opinons into the same post? That would really be a bonus!

Share your opinions and have fun!!!


PS: Please keep it clean - rules are there for a reason!

PPS: I am sorry if a game like this is classed as a spam-builder. It is not my intention to cause Spam, merely to share opinions. This game has been used on many other forums and has worked okay, so I brought it here. If it does cause trouble, I appologise beforehand.

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