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Merry Christmas

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Yes, everybody in Trap 17 and around the globe. I hope everybody has a very, very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Be safe, and most importantly, have fun.

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i second all of taht lol... or third it or 1st it or w/e.... im just way tired right now...speaking of keeping it safe... driving home today well yesterday and today (night) like 20 mins from my house there was a major accident... 1 car flipped over another in the devide and at least 5 or so cars behind the flipped one it wsnt pretty... went from like 4 lanes down to 1... this is in calliornia on like 50 or w/e its pouring rian right now so if you about to head out the door im serious watch those speeds dont be afraid to go 50 or w/e... cause you will hydroplane at least 3 times unless youve got a nice car like the mercedes 06 or w/e with the cool non hydplaning tires and *BLEEP*... but thats another story... you may have it you may not either way watch ur speed and be carefull... we at least hydroplanes 5 times on our way back (i counted that many my mom (she was driving) had alot more...)so yeah happy holidays and merry xmas!!!btw ford_prefect is me as well.... i just use that for my internet "call sign" on other sites besides this one....

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