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Mysterio Roller Coaster Tycon Press Release Ect..

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Sorry if wrong topic but involves simulation game Roller Coaster Tycoon.


Mysterio's Big Press Release!


*Music Plays while guests enters*


Welcome everyone please come in. Today i am making some news... more like big news if you ask me. Today i am announcing four things first off. One all of you who are on this forums have seen me working on a one you might know the rest. Now without fether ado lets bring out the cheese (I need a bigger catch phrase... eh)


First off Remember Dreams Come True video is being made as we speak. As you know i been working on it on these forums for everyone to see. Well the video should be done later this week. If you have no seen pictures and videos of this yet please click this link Right Here! This is a great project and please keep posting for me to hurry it up lol. ;)


Next now for my first real announment.... i like to introduce me next Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Video project. I like to introduce... Illiumnations: Reflections of Earth The Ride! Going on a roller coaster with great scenery around you, fireworks launching, and a story... dont forget the music playing in the background to keep you in the mood! This ride will be great and also look on the forums for sometime after Remember Dreams Come True is complete it will start.


Thrid my other Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 project. This will be work slowly and for a while not on the forums untill i think it is ready. Also i am not posting any info on it except this: (Here comes the long speech)


I am making a theme park called Paradise Island. This theme park auctally holds 39 miles of land to build on and 40miles in width! What are we doing is a new entire vaction resort off of RCT3. Let me explain. First we are going to hold 8 different theme parks with all different themes park Walt Disney World except we have even more. We plan for 15 roller coasters including Stuntmen's Revenge which is at one of our theme parks called Movie Land anyway it will be the Tallest and Fastest coaster on earth, include intense themeing, and be great! Oh yeah did i mention every ride will include intense themeing more themeing then universal and even better on some areas then disney. Then the rides will be great on top of that. Now for the theme parks list.


Big Street - Oh yeah here you can see the park icon Golden Gate Bridge! Here you can view and also most areas in the park see are biggest firework show Imagination Fantastic! and see the Northern Lights at nite!

Movie Land


Fantasyland Villige -

Wild West

Fantasy Type Area - Includes Mount. Olympous the Roller coaster and the firework show at nite called Fantasy in the Sky!

Future World

and more

Paradise Island's Africa - At Nite See a firework show (We are doing a contest on here name a firework you think is good for a World Firework show and you can get something)


And More!



We only mention four theme parks for the rest are still being made up. Also we have two water parks! We been making sketeches and more. Now how are we not a normal theme park? Well for we have so much things we are a vaction resort! First want to go hiking one day? Well we have hiking trails. If you ever take a plane come to us at Paradise Airlines. We have 9 hotels all different theming including are most deluxe resort the Paradise Island Inn.


We also have many great golf corses, a huge man made lake in the middle of everything where you can take a boat out or go water sking! We have the Paradise Island Boardwalk and a beach! Also travling we have a monorail, motorcouch, boat, or taxi! Monorail goes to every great area which is everything lol. We have so much stuff here i am planning but cant tell just yet. There is JUST SO MUCH STUFF it would take me a hour or so to post it here! ;)


Well like i said a long time ago i wont be posting in on here untill i think it is ready to.


And last for my most secret now not a secret. Like to introduce to you WDW Sorcerer.com. Please do not try the link yet it is not on the web yet. But this is all i am going to say and the site will be open around Janurary. Also like to say thank you to HSXLC. Please thank you for coming and have a nice day.



*Music slowly plays to comfort guest leaving*

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Copied it from here

I feel sorry to see that after all the efforts which we mods make and still members..even old member repeat the same fault. We all mods say that anything which is copied...must be put in QUOTE tags, Even if it is from your own website. Warning issued.

Edited by mayank (see edit history)

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