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Cpanel Access

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I am unable to access the control panel at siteaddress.com/cpanelIt is coming up with a 404 error. Is the server down or just my end. Thank you in advance for any help.

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If you visit Xisto - Web Hosting.com you will find the following as notice or announcement :

Xisto - Web Hosting Update!Our main server HDD has failed as a result the entire team is busy in getting back the network online. New orders will not be accepted until complete services are restored. Thanks. Xisto - Web Hosting Team.

It went down around 5:00am GMT, at that time it was too early for server team to detect because it was few hours past mid-night in the US. When they work up this morning around say 6:00am or so, they came to know the reality. My sites were unaccessible for all those times, but now atleast the IP is responding, saying there is no website configured to this address. Its a custom error report from cpanel.

Technical teams are working very hard. Let's wait patiently. They are working on it, it shouldn't be taking too much time.

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We are sorry for that downtime. However, We geared up every possible resource we had in hand and bought the server back online within 9 hours.

We dispatched this mail right after the servers were online.

We would like to apologize to all of our members for the prolonged downtime of about 9-10 hours. After yesterdays partition corruption, the scan did not reveal any physical corruption. So, after the fsck check, we did not expect any major crash down. But this morning, when the drive went into READ-ONLY mode again, fsck could not fix the issue.
We then decided to do a complete defrag and then scan the disk for physical errors. It was this time the drive failed to respond and we had to Hire senior techs at data center for data recovery and transferring the data to a new server safely.

Things rolled out pretty fast as senior techs were available at DC and we had to Order new equipment to restore the data. It took us around 2 hours to setup a new server, install OS, CPanel and other modules. And then another 2 hours to transfer the data back into the new drive.

Things got delayed in configuring the CPanel with the /home directory. So that all accounts were imported properly into the system.

We tried our best to finish up the restoration work as soon as possible. Techs were working even after their shift period for additional 12 hours. And things which usually take 2 days was completed within 10 hours.

In order to reduce the possibilities of such disasters, we have decided to increase the RAM in our servers to prevent swapping and introduce another Nameservers shortly (Ns3) to provide backup and keep the servers online incase ns1 and ns2 both fail. This will ensure greater uptime and members on other servers will not be affected due to such hardware failures.

We apologize once again for this inconvenience but I hope our members understand that accidents like Hardware failures are beyond our control and can happen anytime.

The servers are back online and minor testing work is pending (since a new server was setup for Alpha) RvSKIN and Fantastico installation is pending and will be done after all the module installation are completed.

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