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Hey! new in here Dawiss...

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Hey there!Im new in this forum but I have been in CFX to (now it's dead :) ) so I know a bit of such forums. Im pretty young... im only 14! I like making websites (now working on big project), making sigs and talking with people around the world. In free time I go out with friends play Volleyball (alredy 3 years) and go swiming. I like listening music, i think it's one of best things every invented, I ussaly listen harder music like KoRn, Green Day and grups like that but I also like Hip=Hop and Rep like Fort Minor, 50cent, Ludacris and others... I really like scary movies but the comedys are awesome! My best comedy is " the longest yard" and "40 years old virgin" (or something)... Im looking forwar in this forum finding new friends and get new and good experience...P.S - Sorry for my bad English :P Im from country where you don't need to speak english very much at my age ;) (Latvia)-Dawiss

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Hey there!


Im new in this forum but I have been in CFX to (now it's dead :D ) so I know a bit of such forums. Im pretty young... im only 14! I like making websites (now working on big project), making sigs and talking with people around the world. In free time I go out with friends play Volleyball (alredy 3 years) and go swiming. I like listening music, i think it's one of best things every  invented, I ussaly listen harder music like KoRn, Green Day and grups like that but I also like Hip=Hop and Rep like Fort Minor, 50cent, Ludacris and others... I really like scary movies but the comedys are awesome! My best comedy is " the longest yard" and "40 years old virgin" (or something)... Im looking forwar in this forum finding new friends and get new and good experience...


P.S - Sorry for my bad English :P Im from country where you don't need to speak english very much at my age ;) (Latvia)




hello dawis... i'm new too in this forum.., welcome and good luck for you... :D


i still newbi and need for experience too..


have fun.. ;)

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Hey! Wow.... Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll like it here. I'm still amazed at how young so many web people are. It's incredible the stuff that you all learn so early. *is envious*I'm into Green Day and bands like that too! And don't worry about your English. It's pretty good. I didn't even notice that you weren't a native English speaker until you mentioned it, so way to go!Best of luck here at the boards!

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