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Watch Tv Shows On Your Psp PSP TV Shows

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How to Watch TV on your PSP

With a few simple steps, and simple hardware, you can convert any TV show into a PSP compatible file that can play on your PSP.


What you will need

1. 512MB or 1GB memory stick

2. PSP

3. Software


How to do it


First of all your going to need to download the free software that will convert the video file (.avi, .mov .mpg or .wmv files only), Here. The software is called PSP Video 9 and like I mentioned above, its free.


Install PSP Video 9, then find the file your would like to convert. PSP Video 9 only supports .avi, .mov, .mpg and .wmv files. Convert the file into the PSP conpatible file, then conect your memory stick to your computer, and drag the file on. Then fire up your PSP and enjoy the show!


Normally a 512MG stick can hold around 1 hour of video. But in the setting tab you can change the Frams Per Second from 30fps to 15fps and you will be able to hold around 2 hours of video.


It works quite good, and the quality is pretty amazing. I found this really great for long car trips, and on airplanes.




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