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Graphic Card Help

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Hey everyone, i have a sucky graphic card that originally come with my compaq presario 2100 notebook. But i want to upgrade my notebook with a better one. Can i use something like geforce 4? does it even fit in a notebook graphic card slot? if it doesn't what are some good notebook graphic cards and how do i find out what kind of graphic card i have? i know that my card sucks because when i play games like nba live, the graphic sucks compare to everyone else and its slow. thx

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Modding a laptop can be a difficult process - it is usually hard to update the graphics card especially.
The graphics card that you are using in a tower computer for example cannot be inserted into a laptop becuase the pins are different.
In fact my graphics card on my desktop machine is thicker than my laptop is!

I would look online or at like CompUSA to see if anyone is selling laptop GPU (graphic proccessor unit) cards.

If you go to those types of stores you will notice that everything is different for laptops - the memory and card sizes are all alot smaller and the pin arrangement is different.

I would also suggest that you look on NewEgg.com to see if they are selling graphics cards for laptops. They are a very reliable site with awesome customer service, low prices and wicked fast shipping.

Good luck!

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Thank you! that was what i am talking about, i always thought that desktop had bigger graphic cards then the notebook. Btw i am not planning on upgrading it myself. ill just bring it to a store and see if they can upgrade it for me

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graphic cards for laptops are wasting your money, you'll eat the hell out of your graphic card, and it won't improve much due to the speed of the laptop.

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graphic cards for laptops are wasting your money, you'll eat the hell out of your graphic card, and it won't improve much due to the speed of the laptop.


Yea, thats true. You shuld use an stationary computer to play games. A notebook is not made for that. So your games wont get any better anyway.

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