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Actionscript -need help plz

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Can anyone help me out with a flash file externaly refreshing an html page, and gathering information from a database there, without the user seeing this. This means the loading bar on the page the flash is on CANNOT be loading.I need to make an avatar chat, so when you move around it shows up on other people's computers.P.S. If any admins see this post, can you please create an action script subform?

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Wow... that was internesting. I was mainly waiting for a responce in this post, but alot of other posts, in which i would then reply and get more hosting credits. I watched my hosting credits go from 3 days to .98 days. Oh well.... anyawy I still need help on this issue... does this mean nobody knows how to do it, or they did not understand my question?

Does anybody know anything about flash at all? I need to have flash access a database somewhere without it refreshing the page it is currently on, (this will bug the users, and slow down the flash file, because IT will be refreshing too if i refresh the page it is on)...

I am assuming that is how they made this, but im not sure. If anyone knows how to make an avatar chat like that i need to know...

My main reason for this is because im working on a project in flash, where someone's x and y positions need to be sent to everyone else viewing, that way i can make a way for players to move around, and see others move around...

Is it possible to send the iformation the same way you would send text messsages in a chat room? if so, how?

Any help would be appreciated! :huh:

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