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Panda's Sig Request.. Looking for a sig-artist..

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Yo,It's the panda, you already know. I'm extremely photoshop challenged, so I'm looking for someone to brush me a decent signature. I can add a panda render (of my own doing :)) if someone shows some excellent brushwork...I'm looking for something along the lines of a black and white (complete contrast) that would look good with something like my avatar as a render.Hard to explain, but if you're willing to try, I'd appreciate it alot. Possibly a small credit donation to the one I like the best? Guess that doesn't fit the 'request' description.Panda

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the sig god has accepted your challange :), but i do need the render though or the brushing is going to be off.

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here you go as requested, no  one shall defy the Sig god.


Posted Image


...I did. Beat you 5 to zip in a battle. :)


Anyway, this one looks good. I love the colors (although I think that you should have went with a dark blue background or a green background), and best of all, it's not monotone. Good work, dude.

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well that was a fluke, i should haved used my other one that i did meh well its done and over with.


hey snlil something like this Posted Image


it works good with the text but i dunno about the render though.

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well that was a fluke, i should haved used my other one that i did meh well its done and over with.


Haha. :) I'll battle you again if you want. Just set the rules.



hey snlil something like this Posted Image


it works good with the text but i dunno about the render though.


Hmm, that doesn't look that good. Maybe it's too dark. Try a lighter green instead (like the panda's...shell [how weird]), and see how that works out.

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