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Hi everyone I would just like to introduce myself to the forum members and moderators. My name is Arby and I am a new web designer. I'm trying to form my own company. I'm only 15 years old though. Just trying to start a small web design firm. I?ve been making website for about 5 years now. Recently in the past year I have made about 5 websites for people... Made over 300 dollars per website. And now I?m looking to expand my business. people usually heard about me from my Business cards ;). But now I?m going to try to make my own website so I could look more pro. And I love the idea that you pay by posting. That?s amazing :P.Anyway I hope I could be accepted here. and i'm always open to questions about web design stuff.Thanks a lot for listening.

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Hi! Welcome! I'm fairly certain that you can and will be accepted! (Pretty much everyone except spammers and such is!)Anyway... wow you are just 15 years old and been doing this for 5 years already! Congrats to you! I can never believe just how young so many of you people are. And I'm only 21... and by no means an expert at things (especially forms... but don't get me started on them. Been trying them all day - no luck lol...)And hey, these forums are great to learn new stuff on, or share what you know. I think what I'm learning in here is probably more valuable than the free hosting you get for it. But you never know... it's pretty darn good itself. Best hosting I've managed to find!Yea, that's about it I think. Welcome! Have fun, and I can't wait to see your site once it gets up and running!

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Thanks ;).My website URL is going to be Corzendesign.com if you ever want to check it out. I already got the domain but I?m trying to get hosting here for free :P which is always good. Still can?t believe such good features are for free, hope I don?t get disappointed.This forum sounds much more friend sly then most others I?ve visited :P

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Oh, I don't think you'll be disappointed. There are tons of features to work with... and most of them, I have no idea how to even use, but the one's I do are still great. Seeing as you've been at this for a while, you would probably be better at it than me! I'll definately check out your site in a little while. See how it's coming!And yes... we are friendly. Friendly is good ;)

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Hi Compute,There's lots of very talented web designers heare at Xisto. Age is no barrier, there's even many who are younger than you. Be sure to read the noobie advice sections on how to do posts ..etc. (It's not complicated).As you've already found out from the previous posts..there's lots of friendly, helpful people here at Xisto. Just post any questions you have & someone will be sure to get back to you. The admins & moderators are good.. so PM them ( the moderators) for any help you need for your website.The hosting is excellent.. you wont' be disappointed.. there's tons of features & they REALLY DO have 99.99% uptime- YEAH !!Looking forward to seeing some of your stuff on your website.Enjoy your stay & make new friendsRGPHNX

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