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It frustrates me endlessly these days that a lot of adults do not consider the effect their actions have on children. I work at a pottery painting studio and if you ever wanted to see examples of BAD parenting that would be the perfect place to visit, which is not what you would first assume considering that it is expensive and time consuming and it makes people say "You took your kid to the pottery studio? I would NEVER have the patience for that. You are such an amazing mother" . You should see some of the gems that I see everyday. I suppose I am most bent out of shape about this currently because at work the other day, a grown woman dropped a display piece that I had spent WEEKS painting and making perfect (you are NOT supposed to pick up displays- there are signs everywhere.) and broke it into a million pieces and then simply left the store without taking any sort of responsibility for her actions. I was not working that day, or believe me, she would not have gotten far. We always have these mothers who are so high strung and so rude and if you are THAT stressed out about being here- why on earth do you come in the first place? hire a babysitter, make her take the children. There are much better ways to do things then teaching your children bad manners and the wrong way to deal with situations. It is not even YOUR children, it is any child who is around you. I think everyone just needs to start thinking more about their actions and words around children who have not quite learned how to act or what to say quite yet. I love my job but seeing this every day is making me hate it. -_-

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Awww, that must haved sucked, spending all that time then having it destoyed. Its just like my mum, i spend ages in metalwork making something, then she either lets it rust so its useless, or never even use it...

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A lot of adults are like that because that's the way they were raised to be. There are too many adults running around who were never told 'no' as children, so they think that they can do whatever they want and don't discipline their children, who will turn out exactly like they did. I get so tired of these moms who think their poo doesn't stink because their husbands have good enough jobs that they don't have to work, which automatically makes them great mothers in their own eyes.

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a http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ must really....really ..really suck T_Tbut think of it like this: If someone does a bad sin, a bad sin will happen to thenI know it's always a saying, and you'll never see if it happens or not because you probably won't ever see the person again. But think about the hard work and effort you put into the piece of work and not the final product. The final product is used to remember all the hard work and will eventually become one of those things you look back and say you weren't so bad back then. Gah, I'm probably not making any sense T_T. Sorry if this only brought you down a little more T_T

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It does piss me off, how parents think they are more mature than us sometimes... At least some of US can admit to a wrong doing, while they are too stubborn to..My stepdad wouldnt let me get a doctor pepper yet, he went in and took one.He also bought a 200 dollar phone for HIMSELF on my sisters bday, and when she wanted burger king for dinner he was trying to convince her otherwise, so i asked him if i could try, he pushed me back and called me selfish... Anyway, hes not a bad stepdad, I just think he doesnt understand he needs to set his own limitations to follow, in order to set a good example.

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id of found whoever dropped it anyway...get the surveillance tapes and everything track them down! i do all that hard work and u disrespect it first off by touching it when clearly it says dont touch displays then breaking it in the process...some people have kids just for the sake of having kids and forget that its an actual responsibility that you cant jus ignore because its yours forever whether you like it or not...the theydecide since they dont want it they'll let it do whatever but all that does is make them look bad in the end..as horrible irresponsible parents

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Many kids are out of control these days .... but I don't blame them, I blame the parents .... kids only display behaviour that's learned or tolerated .... parent's need to give themselves a flippin' shake and start disciplining their kids from an early age .... teach them respect .... unfortunately, many kids seem to have no boundaries and that makes them insecure and badly behaved ....


I'm not a big fan of children .... except for my own of course, but he knew from an early age, I was in charge and I think it made him far more secure in himself ....


of course then you hit teenage years and all that goes out the window and then kids challenge you on everything .... but that's a healthy part of development .... also a bloody nightmare! ....


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