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Spam problem The best way to get rid of SPAM

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The best way by far would be to have your email filtered on the server level. Many providers offer this commodity nowdays, including the free ones. If you want to do it on the client level, it will take a lot of manual work, because you will have to teach your client what emails should be treated as spam. You did not mention which platform you are using, so I can't give you any additional details, but, say, Outlook has a spam feature, as well as Mozilla, as well as many others.

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HiI think that no one should use any kind of Spam Filters or Blockers.Because they do not have BRAIN.They do not know which email is important for you or not.Just think that if they delete an important email!I delete daily about 30 - 40 Spam emails but I do not use any Spam Filter and never think to use.Sohail Ahmedsohail4@msn.com

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I guess some spam has Unsubscribe option, especially commercials. So one option is to Unsubscribe from spam U get. But some spam doesn't have this option at all. So u must apply message rules fot this spam. But I guess spammers change name of Viagra to V iagra to Via-gra, so it is really tough to apply this rules.I got rid from 50 spam mails per day to 5 spam mails with unsubcribe option.I am try to apply rules for them now. Hopefully I will get rid of every spam I get. But I guess when U are in database U can't get out really soon or at all.The best filter would be on mail server.

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