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Next-gen Systems System updates

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The Next-Gen console wars are really heating up and with every change in the details about the beloved systems, each of the three companys (Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft) lose and gain supporters. I am deeply concerned with the choices of some of these god-like game companies(makeing millions buy their systems with ease is certainly godlike...lol^^)but i am happy with others. With that said I will be regularly be bringing updates of the ins&outs of the three systems. Below is what I have earned so far on these next-gen consoles.Xbox 360-Microsoft just signed a deal with NVIDIA to make a new PowerPC CPU processing chip that will allow users to play all old Xbo games instead of that which was playable by the second to last prototype shown at E3 (only bestsellers). Also the system is now heading towards an even more concrete idea of being able to puchase and download songs to the system. Robbie Bach,Cheif Xbox Officer, says "Gamers want music and we have expirience in giving gamers what they want. So since the demand for music on consoles has risen so have we to the occasion." Lets hope this rings true so that upon release we can buy music for our beloved Xbox 360s.PS3-Possibly the most changed system in the recent month. Sony just changed their original concept of using two GeForce NVIDIA 6800 Ultras to the new and improved 7800 GTXs. This will offer the systemthe compatibility of the RSX it currenly running on. In other big news the system has decided to offer two different removable HDDs(hard-disc-drives) of 80 and 120 GB. Also the system is now cappable of running Linux OS(operating sytem) on itself, with hint that Windows too will be able to run. This change was made due to the fact that import tariffs on gaming consoles is much higher than that of a computer. So with the ability to run an OS it can be labeled as a 'computer' with a much lower cost(possibly $100 cheaper)Nintendo Revolution- This system is just full of surprises(some arent as good as others). The first of these surprises is the fact that Nintendo President, Shigeru Miyamoto, has officially confirmed that the revolution will NOT be HD compatible, saying quote "Gamers don't want of need HD compatibility". This seems to be a growing trend of things Miyamoto says gamers don't want (remember Nintendo Online) this choice is going to put Nintendo between a rock and a hard place as the Xbox360 is HD 1080i compatible and the PS3 is now compatible with the highest HD out there: 1080p. Lets hope Nintendo shapes up and starts making some better choices or the Revolution will fall short and continue to be the underdog in the system wars. In other news, the controllers is said to be gyroscope based instead of the original touchscreen aligations. None of these details, however, were commented on by Nintendo.Well thats it thanks for listening and keep up the support for whichver system you like best. Until next time ^^.-Tseng Shinji Tsuzaki

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