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I really don't like Bush or Kerry. Bush is just really unintelligent and rashly makes desicions without thinking of the consequence, whereas Kerry actually promises to do so much for the United States, which he probably intends on doing right now-but it NEVER going to happen. Kerry sounds like he's just saying a bunch of crap that we want to hear. Well I don't buy it. If it weren't for the fact that voting on a 3rd party candidate is a waste of a vote, I would definitly not vote for either one of them. So everyone, who is the lesser of two evils?

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I guess if you feel that the government takes enough money out of your pocket already, then vote for Bush. If you think you don't get taxed enough, then by all means, vote for Kerry.If you think that terrorism is a threat, vote for Bush.If you think that we should forgive the terrorists, then vote for Kerry.

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I have to admit I am an extreme liberal. GWB lead our country into a war without a cause, killed thousands because of it, and now has no excuse except that Saddam was a threat. No S***! Hes been a threat for almost 20 years. Plus now that we know he didnt have nuclear abilities since 2001, Dubya has no excuse. Vote for Change...Vote Kerry.The U.S. will go into an extreme civil war if Bush is re-elected.

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Not to offend anyone here but your talking about politics so it is going to happen.Bush and all Bush's before and to follow will do the same exact thing War over petty personal dissagreements for personal satisfaction because they have a country at there disposal to get rid of the problem. Did anyone actually look into Bush before he was elected and after he proposed a bill which passed that stated if you support terrorist orginizations you will be found and arrested. But oh wait a minute Saddam Hussein owns stock in the Bush Oil Empire, how come you weren't arrested President Bush for supporting terrorist orginization by allowing him to own stock in your company from which he gains a profit to buy whatever he would need by selling some of those stocks??? Age old addage applies here i guess Do as I say not as I do. (hypocrite)Also has anyone noticed that whenever we have a Republican in office we go further in debt and the rich get richer? Coincidence???I say go Kerry yes he may say just as any presidential nominee does things he will do for the country, but alas all he can do is put a bill in for proposal and hope the house and senate vote it through for him to put his signature on it in the end. They could promise you everything in the world if they wanted to but if the house and the senate says no we dont get *edit* in the end. I am all for Kerry yes there will be a slight depression and what not when he gets into office but it is what carries over from Bush being in office previously, just as when Bush got into office he had a surplus to deal with and turned it into a 400 billion dollar deficit. He sort of went in reverse if you ask me.Sorry to rant so long just my opinion and again i appologize if i offended anyone.Personally I would like to see an average everyday joe who actually has had to work for a living the majority of his life get voted into office.(/rant off)Be safe all

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Well I'm a republican so i'm voting for bush but i can't bcuz i'm not 18. So i don't care that much at this point. Still I think Bush should win instead of Kerry. He didn't even go to Vietnam war.

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have you seen 'farenheit 911'?? it talks about bush being FRIENDS with the bin-ladens!!!! what do you think of that. it also talks about bush bombing iraq just because he could! who wants a president like that?!?!im glad i live in canada lmao

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Look sportzdawg, this is not easy for foreigners to believe. All we see is fake wars and lies. Now in the world people want a change, not to keep a president who kills thousands of people, and then gets out and says :"We've made a mistake, there were no weapons of mass destruction"! This makes people feel angry! Kerry is their only hope for a change, that will put a stop to all that. Well of course all american presidents promise this before they are elected, but what can we do? :)

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I would much rather have kerry as a president then i would with anyone else. Bush tells lies as well, he said we get flu shots from Canada. Bush lied only Canadian residents can.

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  Casanova said:

So in this case, as always, its all about chosing the one who can cause less damage by his decisions. To me, the lesser of the two evils is kerry.  Well, at least he can lie and keep a straight face.

The reason he can keep a straight face is because he has so much Botox injected into his face. :rolleyes:
Truely, I think it would be best to stay with George, as Kerry would most likely (Quoted from his Debate) "Reguard Terrorism as a nuisance", and then "find Osama". Contradicting, no? More Soldiers would most likely lose their lives this way, as you would have a place currently (Somewhat) under control have no American Influence, and thus the terrorists could, and most definitally would strike in wherever in the world Osama is. (Smoking Pot in John Kerry's Porch in his backyard?)

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  Zenchi said:

The reason he can keep a straight face is because he has so much Botox injected into his face. :rolleyes:
Truely, I think it would be best to stay with George, as Kerry would most likely (Quoted from his Debate) "Reguard Terrorism as a nuisance", and then "find Osama". Contradicting, no? More Soldiers would most likely lose their lives this way, as you would have a place currently (Somewhat) under control have no American Influence, and thus the terrorists could, and most definitally would strike in wherever in the world Osama is. (Smoking Pot in John Kerry's Porch in his backyard?)

Ok, quoting can be very misleading. You didn't post the whole quote but from what i remember from when i saw the debate (2.30 here in europe) he said something like: striving for a situation where terrorism is again a nuisance (as it was before bush, where clinton took it serious and disabled several al-quade camps but noone really feared for their lives) and to concentrate on the goal, which was finding/killing bin laden before bush went to iraq (while flip-flopping on the reason for going, first it were the WMDs, then the eliminating saddam, then after those 2 turned out to be not a treath he wanted to make iraq into a democraty).

And about those flip-flops kerry made on Iraq, they are not as bad as they seem. First he was convinced that saddam was a real threath (pretty stupid, but bush isnt the smartest either). Then when everything turned out to be false he changed his mind (which is something that is good). It was the wrong war, but he wants to finish it (cleaning up bush' mess). He is not as bad as bush says. Just my 2 cents :angry:

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