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Another London Bombing Similar to the bombings that killed 56

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There definitely aren't any fatalities and only one person was injured. It sounds as if it was a pretty lame set of attacks by the look of things...especially with London on red alert.

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I have watched from BBC that there are no fatalities, just one badly injured. the headlines day it was an Attempted Bombing, so most probably the bomb did not explode. or maybe it exploded but not much as the bombers expected them to be. These happened at the sub-way again and another double decker bus. To think, London has already tighten their security after the bombing excactly two weeks ago. This just means that terrorism could actually happen on even the most secured place on earth.

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someone tried to get lucky which could mean a forth person might have been in on it, but at least no one got killed this time.

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Wow i am sick of terrirists. You would think my Country (USA) would have tooken out a lot of them. It seems like they would see all of the terrists who have been killed or captured and realize not to do terristic attacks like that. It's good nobody got hurt but I think they should really make higher security around London. Maybe they just need to be more of a threat. USA hasn't had any problems with terrists since we bombed over there but i really think we should start a security thing instead of hanging out in Iraq we should be in london and where ever other terristic attacks happen. It is unacceptable that the world has so many attacks. I really do think that higher security would help a lot. I am not with a war because i already know one dead person who i am close to that we lost over in Iraq and it makes me very sad. I am going to join the army when i am 18 so i can help my country and the rest of the world. If anyone here does not like the US because of the stuff we do and have done I will have to agree we have done some stupid stuff but it's not right to punnish us for having a retarted president.I am for fighting terrirsts is anyone else here?

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well guess what anyone can become a terrorist you just have to brainwash them good enough to believe waht they are doing is for the good of mankind.anyways i here 2 people got arrested, hopefully it is them so people can beat the snot out of them.

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MAybe london should have some one check people before they get on the bus sub-way or whatever other major way of public transportation. I don't think that there will ever be peace between nations. But they should try to protect themselves a little better from the ones they are not friends with. Keep an eye out for them. If they organized security a little better than these types of things should never happen. Also they should not go back to being there regular selves after a couple of years because they are just setting themselves for the same thing to happen again.

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well london is one big camera, they are the only city in the world that has camers in every spot, it did help identify the terrorists but what was done is done, we only can keep fighting the good fight until they realize that its just a waste of time to kill innocent people just cuz some crazy person is who hates their life make things bad for us.

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Wow i am sick of terrirists. You would think my Country (USA) would have tooken out a lot of them. It seems like they would see all of the terrists who have been killed or captured and realize not to do terristic attacks like that. It's good nobody got hurt but I think they should really make higher security around London. Maybe they just need to be more of a threat. USA hasn't had any problems with terrists since we bombed over there but i really think we should start a security thing instead of hanging out in Iraq we should be in london and where ever other terristic attacks happen. It is unacceptable that the world has so many attacks. I really do think that higher security would help a lot. I am not with a war because i already know one dead person who i am close to that we lost over in Iraq and it makes me very sad. I am going to join the army when i am 18 so i can help my country and the rest of the world. If anyone here does not like the US because of the stuff we do and have done I will have to agree we have done some stupid stuff but it's not right to punnish us for having a retarted president.

I am for fighting terrirsts is anyone else here?


You shouldn't be trusting you president so much... I would recommand watching Fahrenheit 911 first and then putting all your trust in Bushs War Against Terrorism. Well, of course terorists are bad (muslims have a 14 century culture and 21 century weapons, which is a VERY BAD combination) but we must remember that this wave of terrorist attacks are our own doing (as Bush once said I wouldn't be to happy about beeing overrun by strangers).

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Damn...sorry for the wrong qoute... I put the mouse at the beginning of the text and hit qoute and it jumps at the end...somebody should fix this bug. Sorry once again ;)

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Well I heard that what happened is the detonators blew, but the bombs did not go off, so the explosions that occured were simply the detonators. I heard, although it was unsubstantiated, that the one person injured was possibly one of the people who was carrying the bomb, the good thing is is that this time the bombers survived, so perhaps they can get to the terrorist cell that started this rash of attacks.


Wow i am sick of terrirists. You would think my Country (USA) would have tooken out a lot of them. It seems like they would see all of the terrists who have been killed or captured and realize not to do terristic attacks like that. It's good nobody got hurt but I think they should really make higher security around London. Maybe they just need to be more of a threat. USA hasn't had any problems with terrists since we bombed over there but i really think we should start a security thing instead of hanging out in Iraq we should be in london and where ever other terristic attacks happen. It is unacceptable that the world has so many attacks. I really do think that higher security would help a lot. I am not with a war because i already know one dead person who i am close to that we lost over in Iraq and it makes me very sad. I am going to join the army when i am 18 so i can help my country and the rest of the world. If anyone here does not like the US because of the stuff we do and have done I will have to agree we have done some stupid stuff but it's not right to punnish us for having a retarted president.
I am for fighting terrirsts is anyone else here?

Ok, you don't think London was on high alert? You don't think London was looking for this? You know this type of attack could happen anywhere in the world at any time, high alert or not. If you doubt me try boarding a subway in New York, your not likely to be searched, and of all places I would think that New York has had enough of a threat against them to warrent strong security.


You shouldn't be trusting you president so much... I would recommand watching Fahrenheit 911 first and then putting all your trust in Bushs War Against Terrorism. Well, of course terorists are bad (muslims have a 14 century culture and 21 century weapons, which is a VERY BAD combination) but we must remember that this wave of terrorist attacks are our own doing (as Bush once said I wouldn't be to happy about beeing overrun by strangers).

Ok, no offence, but your position is no better than underworldskateboarders. Sure US foreign policy is bad, but that DOES NOT justify a terrorist attack so in no way are the terrorist attacks the fault of anyone but the terrorists.

That being said everyone should watch Farenheit 911, but do it with an open mind. Those who are already against Bush realize that this was a BIASED documentary, those who are pro Bush realize that the facts are real, Moore did not make them up. F 911 is a great documentary, but Moore started the process with a predetermined goal, to prove that Bush's war was unjustified and that 9/11 lay at his feet. When you start out to prove something with a clear goal and a closed mind you will no doubt prove it true, however if you look at ALL the evidence with an open mind you will realize that it is not black and white, good and evil, but rather various shades of grey, there is no pure evil in the world, or is there any pure goodness.

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Well I heard that what happened is the detonators blew, but the bombs did not go off, so the explosions that occured were simply the detonators. I heard, although it was unsubstantiated, that the one person injured was possibly one of the people who was carrying the bomb, the good thing is is that this time the bombers survived, so perhaps they can get to the terrorist cell that started this rash of attacks.



Ok, you don't think London was on high alert? You don't think London was looking for this? You know this type of attack could happen anywhere in the world at any time, high alert or not. If you doubt me try boarding a subway in New York, your not likely to be searched, and of all places I would think that New York has had enough of a threat against them to warrent strong security.


Ok, no offence, but your position is no better than underworldskateboarders. Sure US foreign policy is bad, but that DOES NOT justify a terrorist attack so in no way are the terrorist attacks the fault of anyone but the terrorists.


That being said everyone should watch Farenheit 911, but do it with an open mind. Those who are already against Bush realize that this was a BIASED documentary, those who are pro Bush realize that the facts are real, Moore did not make them up. F 911 is a great documentary, but Moore started the process with a predetermined goal, to prove that Bush's war was unjustified and that 9/11 lay at his feet. When you start out to prove something with a clear goal and a closed mind you will no doubt prove it true, however if you look at ALL the evidence with an open mind you will realize that it is not black and white, good and evil, but rather various shades of grey, there is no pure evil in the world, or is there any pure goodness.


I DO NOT say that terrorism is good... it is bad... the only thing I am saying is that this wave of terrorist attacks was "artificially" created. Maybe Moore started with documentary wanting to proove that Bush intentions are not that good and I'm sure he is right, but that doesn't change the fact that the proof is there. Remember that he only used real documents to make the connections>>> he has proof, not empty words. Don't you have the greatest Constitution with its First Amendament- the liberty of speech. Where were Moore's rights when they banned the movie.

And to go further into this you should watch "911 - In Plane Site" CLICK HERE. You will probably say that is crap, but they have some interesting facts at least for the Pentagon attack. Please watch it and state you opinions.

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I DO NOT say that terrorism is good... it is bad... the only thing I am saying is that this wave of terrorist attacks was "artificially" created. Maybe Moore started with documentary wanting to proove that Bush intentions are not that good and I'm sure he is right, but that doesn't change the fact that the proof is there. Remember that he only used real documents to make the connections>>> he has proof, not empty words. Don't you have the greatest Constitution with its First Amendament- the liberty of speech. Where were Moore's rights when they banned the movie.

And to go further into this you should watch "911 - In Plane Site" CLICK HERE. You will probably say that is crap, but they have some interesting facts at least for the Pentagon attack. Please watch it and state you opinions.


Yes terrorism is bad, but no the wave of terrorist attacks was not artificially created, they are occuring. I did not state that Moore lied, or that his evidence is wrong, just that you must watch it with an open mind and realize he is telling just one side of the argument and deliberately slanting the evidence. Moore does not have proof of anything, he has evidence, as simple as that. Farenheit 911 was NEVER, and I mean NEVER banned by the government. Some movie theaters refused to show it, yes, but it was only a handful of privately owned theaters, and they were well within their rights to do so, the movie was a huge success, many people watched it, so your claim that it was banned is rediculous.


As for your 911-In Plane Site, well I will watch that perhaps at sometime, but the fact that it opens with the myth of the mysterious buldge and other "facts" like it is not likely to get me interested. Take a look here for some additional evidence PM 9/11: Debunking The Myths. Always examine both sides of the evidence, never take one sides "facts" as absolute. Moore made a great movie, and had some excellent points, but it is just his side of the argument, and as damning as it is there is some faults that I found with the film myself.

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