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Lotr/middleearth/tolkien Sites ....

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Can I just recommend a couple of LOTR/Middle Earth sites I've recently come across? .... "There and Back again" and "Gilthoniel.net" .... both are just stunning and I'd gladly worship at the feet of their creators .... even if your not a LOTR fan, the sites themselves are worthy of a look, for the design quality alone ....


However, I digress .... if you're more interested in a Middle Earth interactive community and resource centre, then I'd highly recommend The Council of Elrond .... this site is huge and even has a wee tiny forum for the over 40's .... which is just fab! .... or, just sad (my son would definately pick the latter) ....


Oh and has anyone else seen the trailer for Peter Jacksons latest film, "King Kong" ? .... have to say, and this is a bit of a shock to my system, 'cause to me the man's a God .... but I was not impressed .... please let it be just a lousy trailer and not a lousy film! ....


Cheerie .... ~M~

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Whatever u say about the King Kong trailer, it is loyal to the origional. Im probably one of the few people to have seen the origional King Knog film, black and white and all. It just seems like a remake of the origonal, although I thought that was fairly tame so maybe ur right. I also like Jacksons filmmaking and I think that this is probably as worthy as any followup to LOTR u could do.

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I've seen the original King Kong film quite a few times actually and I'm not really a big fan .... it won't matter to me if this film bites the big one, PJ's allowed a duff film or two .... I'll always be a big fan .... the man's a flippin' genius .....

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