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The Blue Just a random poem I wrote one day.

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This is just a random poem I wrote one day. It's not great, but I figure someone here might appreciate it. The inspiration was because of a friend of mine who was angry with me after I threw several poetry notebooks of mine away. I periodically throw away poetry notebooks, because I rarely like anything I write, and it's nice to purge away those emotions sometimes.


The Blue


I threw the old notebooks away.

A friend was angry at me for doing so

But he doesn't understand.

I had to throw the notebooks away.

It was time to move on, time

to let the memories fade into blue


Blue like the color of my blood

lacking in oxygen from the cord

wrapped around my neck when I was born

Blue like the blood that flows

through my lungs to fill again

with the oxygen that keeps me alive.

keeps me breathing when i desire to fade away.


to fade into blue...

a deep, dark blue

not a blue for the weak.

not a blue for the sad.

a blue for those who have fallen

into the darkest despair

but have also found complete and total

peace. Peace that only comes when one

releases themselves to fate

and let go of their destiny.


I threw the old notebooks away...

they were filled with memories...

memories that were too blue.

memories that would drown me

in their deep pools of dark blue

for i cannot fade away.

i cannot fade into the blue.

i am bound by my fate

and a slave to my destiny.


I threw the old notebooks away...

for they hold the truth that I cannot face.

the truth of me. my character. my fate

my fate to die alone

my fate to abandon all hope of love

and peace

and my fate to never shape my destiny.

my fate to live in the blue

but never truly fade away.


I had to throw them away.

Because they tie me to the blue

Always lingering, never fading.


I threw the notebooks away...

into the blue.

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Interesting emphasis on the different uses of the word "blue" I generally like poems that rhyme though, I see you use that one style where you repeat certain words or the ending word for a line is repeated again later on. Too be honest with you, I'm wondering about that one line about releasing yourself to fate and letting go of your destiny. Yet then later on you say you're a slave to your destiny? First you say you give into fate and release your destiny, then you say you're a slave to your destiny? Please explain, I'm confused :PIt's a tad melancholy for my liking as well, when I used to write doom and gloom poems they would also have to do with cataclysmic events or of the future as well, things to come :D Just different styles I guess. I have some of my poems on Xisto as well, even though they don't count as posts. I've always been very pleased with my poems and how they've turned out, with the exception of this one called Legacy that I wrote for a class and don't like much. Someone on Xisto thought I didn't realize that the poems didn't count as posts, but I already knew and frankly I just think some of my best conveyed and most meaningful messages lie within my poems, rather then the essay-like prose I continually spew out in response to others. As I love sharing my ideas with others through debate I also love doing so through my poetry, it's a medium of communication and one I find even more effective then perhaps any other I could use.

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Interesting emphasis on the different uses of the word "blue" 


I generally like poems that rhyme though, I see you use that one style where you repeat certain words or the ending word for a line is repeated again later on. 


Too be honest with you, I'm wondering about that one line about releasing yourself to fate and letting go of your destiny.  Yet then later on you say you're a slave to your destiny?  First you say you give into fate and release your destiny, then you say you're a slave to your destiny?  Please explain, I'm confused :P


It's a tad melancholy for my liking as well, when I used to write doom and gloom poems they would also have to do with cataclysmic events or of the future as well, things to come :D  Just different styles I guess.  I have some of my poems on Xisto as well, even though they don't count as posts.  I've always been very pleased with my poems and how they've turned out, with the exception of this one called Legacy that I wrote for a class and don't like much. 


Someone on Xisto thought I didn't realize that the poems didn't count as posts, but I already knew and frankly I just think some of my best conveyed and most meaningful messages lie within my poems, rather then the essay-like prose I continually spew out in response to others.  As I love sharing my ideas with others through debate I also love doing so through my poetry, it's a medium of communication and one I find even more effective then perhaps any other I could use.


Unfortunately, a lot of my poems are melancholy. I have troubles expressing my feelings, and saddness is one of the easiest for me to express, especially through poetry. I have social anxiety disorder, which makes expressing my feelings to people particularly difficult. I guess that's why I turned to poetry...it's easier than trying to express myself to people.


About the fate and destiny lines, if you look in the stanza before the first mention of fate and destiny, it talks about desire (to fade into blue), and that was supposed to carry into the next stanza, so the desire to fade into the blue carries into the desire to be able to let go of fate and destiny. Then in the "slave to fate and destiny" part, I'm trying to convey that though I desire to fade, I can't, because I'm a slave to my destiny.

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Unfortunately, a lot of my poems are melancholy.  I have troubles expressing my feelings, and saddness is one of the easiest for me to express, especially through poetry.  I have social anxiety disorder, which makes expressing my feelings to people particularly difficult.  I guess that's why I turned to poetry...it's easier than trying to express myself to people. 


About the fate and destiny lines, if you look in the stanza before the first mention of fate and destiny, it talks about desire (to fade into blue), and that was supposed to carry into the next stanza, so the desire to fade into the blue carries into the desire to be able to let go of fate and destiny.  Then in the "slave to fate and destiny" part, I'm trying to convey that though I desire to fade, I can't, because I'm a slave to my destiny.


Irony is also easily expressed through poetry. I remember having social anxiety many years ago, was bad enough that I didn't want to go in stores or restaurants and was constantly focusing on avoiding embarassment. It hasn't been a problem for quite a few years now though.


I guess my confusion with the part about fate and destiny stems from a single word choice, "to"


Peace that only comes when one

releases themselves to fate

and let go of their destiny.

Did you mean "release from fate" rather then "release to fate"? The two are opposites, either you're being released from fate or you're being released into the dominion of fate which is what I assumed you were saying... Oh well, just why I looked at it the way I did.


A lot of my early poems dealt heavily with fate and the questions of life. They are things to think about. Despite starting writing poems about 8 or 9 years ago I have only about a dozen total poems. I write them very rarely and only in rare circumstances, often when my feelings are the most intense. And so even ones like the Legacy one which I don't like I don't toss since my writing a poem is so rare and it let's me see something of what I was like and was thinking at the time. And I can enjoy them later on as well :P

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