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Forms Need help with forms

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Hi all:I am trying to add a form to my site. I want to have users to be able to communicate with me without posting my email. I am afraid of being bombarded by spam if I post my email address.Anyway, I have made the form in dreamweaver. When I test it, it sends the input data to me. The problem is, I cant read/access the data.Is there a tutorial on making forms. Any comments or suggestions so that I can read the imput.Thanks!Sunkis

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oh this one is to easy use this html coding for sending you messages mind you it uses it email but if your looking for the php it still requires you to have email account unless you use a guest book or forum to do the message posting but heres the script and have fun

<FORMĀ  METHOD="Post" ACTION="MAILTO:zodiac47@hotmail.com"><INPUT TYPE="Text" Name="content here " Size="20">
TEXTAREA NAME="weapon list" ROWS="3" COLS="15"></TEXTAREA><BR>

its simple but like i saif to not show your email you would have to guest book or forum it

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Thanks for your response. I made the form, but I don't know how to use cgi.

The form asks for the data
Accepts the data
Sends it to my Xisto email, then it is forwarded to me at outlook express

When I try to read the data, outlook express tells me "the file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action"

I am doing something wrong; but I just don't know what.

The rough draft of my form is here:


If anybody knows what I need to do to be able to access the users input, please help!

Thanks all.


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for html form, link1 and link2.
basically, post method call user agent(outlook) and the action is set to mailto: so that it straight away called the system default mail program which enctype might not compliant. it's same meaning as direct mailto:"mail" if i'm not wrong..
try some php form mail under tutorial forum and google..

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Hey, thanks for the tip.I ended up getting the form to work thru one of the add-on scripts in cpanel. It's not fancy, and I plan to revise the form I have at some time. Not sure I really understand them. So its going to take some work.Sunkist

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