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Mandriva Le 2005 what do you think?

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I have successfully installed the newest stable release of Mandriva Limited Edition 2005.Have you tryed this version yet? what do you think about it? I think it's great, but I have a problem. I get 7 cds and I have installed first 3 (installation cds) but now I don't know how to install other additional programs and other stuff on other 4 cds. I took a look on the control pannel on rpm upgrading section, but there aren't listed other cds as sources of upgrade. I tryed to add patches to other cds and when I added them the computer started checking this source, but that was during about 10 minutes withot signs of success so I stopped that.Please help!

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I will try it if I will get the installation cd/dvd, because my internet connection sucks :P I have dsl 256, but still it takes about a week for 3 cd's and I don't want to let the computer opened just for this for 5 days...blah forget it. Also with mandriva you can do this, but I'm still a n00b in this so it would be the same. I have heard about Debian before, but there wasn't released a stable version for many years, since now, so maybe I'll try it.

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Mandriva Limited Edition is not that special. Mandriva also dosn't allow you to upgrade KDE unless a new version is out or you must join their club to do so.SuSE is better since it allows that and it's "specialler" (although it is not a word).xboxrulz

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7 CDs ?I downloaded only 3 and it was already the full version...How can you get 7 CDs...I tried Mandriva LE 2005 too and I couldn't get it to connect to the internet...I gave up...Maybe I su*x because that's my first time touching Linux...I was just trying out...

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7 CDs ?

I downloaded only 3 and it was already the full version...

How can you get 7 CDs...


I tried Mandriva LE 2005 too and I couldn't get it to connect to the internet...

I gave up...

Maybe I su*x because that's my first time touching Linux...

I was just trying out...


I get Mandriva LE 2005 with 7 cds, first 3 are installation cds on others should be some upgrades and programs, I don't know, because I don't know how define sources correctly.


For establishing internet connection isn't so hard. You just have to be connected to the internet when are you installing Mandriva and in the installation setup you have just to define your connection (dsl,dial-up) if you have dial-up you have to provide your IP and some other stuff.


And when you finish with the installation (if you don't have firefox installed) go to the internet with Konqueror and download and install Firefox.


Good luck!

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What about Ubuntu and Kubuntu. Only 1 cd containing graphical environment and it also contain apt-get like Debian(It's debian base anyway)Yoper is also on 1cd containing KDE. It's optimized for i686. It also contain apt-get, but not much software in the repository.As you can see, there are alot of other doistro on 1 cd that you can try. They usually have the newer update faster the Mandriva!

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