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Saint-michaels Adobe Photoshop Issue #1 going to show some basic text affects

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ok since im in the graphic mode im going to do a series of adobe ps issues for you noobs beginners intermidate advance and god like graphic designers


NOTE THESE TUTORIALS ARE COMING FROM PIXEL2LIFE.com everything will be in quotes blah blah blah don't blame me if i miss something which i won't HA. but in all seriousness the graphics are copyrighted to the user but not the text.


im like in the intermediate section since alot of the stuff i find or do is hard well for me it is well anyways lets start it off first tutorial im going to talk about is place text on objects and the example i have found is place text on a coffee cup


Step 1: open picture


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2. Choose Horizontal Type Mask Tool (T)


3. Write a word


4. Layer > Rasterize > Type


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To make straight bend text needs to be in middle. To make that we will use Align Layers To Selection


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5. Select > All (Ctrl + A)


6. Layer > Align Layers To Selection > Vertical Centers


7. Layer > Align Layers To Selection > Horizontal Centers


8. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW


9. Filter > Distort > Shear


10. Make these settings:


Posted Image


11. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW


12. Choose Move Tool (V)


13. Put text onto cup


14. Set opacity to 70%


15. Done 




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ok next tutorial will be on blending in text in your graphics pretty simple and since the user of this tutorial decided to make a graphic out of his tutorial i will post it as is


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hmmm yeah i know why post the whole image when you can go to other websites. Simple pixel is a good source of info anyways the next text tutorial i will show is a metal text effect ooooh


OK lets begin. Open up whatever you want to use this effect on. Type it in any kind of background you want.

Now Right click on the Text layer and select Blending Options. Use these settings:

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to finish this up read next post due to limit of pics per topic

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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