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The Shame To Be Italian The results of 12-13 June referendum

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Yes, I think that after 12-13 june 2005 I'm really ashamed to be italian. In fact during these days italian citizens, for people that don't know, are called to vote for a referendum about assisted fecundation. The referendum want to delete a terrible law that forbid to make research on embryos and put other restriction for who want to make researches in this field or want to have a baby through this system. But to be valid, the referedum require a partecipation of at least 50%+1 of italian citizens (that can vote).But only 26% have really voted during these two days. This give two results:1- Italians are so stupid that can't understand the power that referendum give to citizens? They prefer one hour on the beach than have the right to decide what laws are right and what bad? It is since 1995 that any referendum have managed to reach the "quorum" (50%+1). I think that italian citizens have lost any interest in politics, so here I can find the reason why we have Silvio Berlusconi as first minister. Italians have decided to destroy what their grandfathers have conquered fighting against kings and dictators.2- High spheres of the Church (the Vatican) as Pope Benedetto XVI have asked people to not vote and many catholic politicians have made the same thing. I'm not against the Church, but why in a lay nation the Church have so many power on citizens (about 35% of italians have followed them)? I understand that the Church like this law (it compare an embyos to any other people, for example), but if I'm not cristian, why I can't make something beacuse other people want to protect their religious beliefs. The italian constitution said that there's the religious freedom, but with this vote (or better no vote) people have said that in Italy catholics rule.Many catholics (priests, too) have voted and have asked people to vote, but not enough. The Vatican answered sending some letters and, for example, taking away some chairs at catholic universities.So, these are the results of this referendum and while italians prefer the beach and the power of Vatican, the state of California allocate 3billions of US$ for the research on embryos.Another thing that show why our economy go so bad and why scientists and researchers run away from this sameful country.

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I sympathize with that frustration, living in the United States. whether it be the Catholic church or some other christian institution the general population (I guess Nixon's silent majority? definantly no longer *silent*!) is motivated by their churches. people seem to be adamant about voting morally and forget to take economic, health, and education (important political issues) into consideration when they vote. Hard core working class republicans end up screwing themselves (economically in Kansas for example) in one way or another because they believe they are doing what is morally right.


Maybe its too confusing to believe that there are more important immediate issues than whether or not to teach evolution in public schools, or whether gay marriage should be explicitly banned. But blinding the masses with such ideas works great for politicians who want to pass laws that allow the rich to get richer and screw the middle class (a middle class who has made the united states a great country)...


I feel like it is the Middle Ages and the mass uneducated populace does everything the church tells them to do. it allows people of power to manipulate and acheive greater power, to the point where we have less of a choice.

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