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"four More Years" For Bush... ... or many more years?

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As some of you might remember, "Four more years" was the Bush election campaign's main slogan in 2004/2005. Before, during and after the elections, there were many reports about "abnormalities" in the election process [among those a programmer of electronic voting machines who said on oath that the voting machines' system is compromised and that they are able to change the vote count in order to give the preferred candidate a given percentage of the votes - with an algorithm to give the vote counts a natural look] and in the end Mr. George W. Bush received "four more years" in office.
According to the US constitution, this should have been his last term in office. But I just found a bill suggested by the democratic congressmen Steny H. Hoyer, Howard L. Berman, Frank Pallone and Martin Olav Sabo and the republican F. James Sensenbrenner which would repeal the 22nd amendment to the US constitution, which prohibits any president from running for a third term of office.

well, this bill would have to pass many hard steps, two thirds majority in both senat and house of representatives and in three-fourths of the states but if Democrats and Republicans submitted this bill - this shouldn't be too much of a problem...

1) Bill: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/:
2) 22nd Amendment: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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