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Help! What Do I Do After This? no link or anything to click on

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Processing.. Please wait!. Do not hit RELOAD or BACK..Username Validated.Connecting to Database...Database Connection Established.Validating username and password..Username Validated.Checking permissions..Permission granted.Preparing data for Creating Account..You are suppposed to get approved for Hosting by ADMINISTRATORs.Zijunzijun[ip no]what does this means and after this, what do i do??

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It means you do not have any hosting credits, you have not submitted the proper form, and you have not been approved by the administrator.I suggest you post more quality posts to boost your hosting credits.Please only post on topics that you can help with.

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Exactly what Klass said. You did not have any hosting credits, you did not apply for a form, and therefore, you did not get approved by an admin to create an account at https://support.xisto.com/.

The only way to get an account is to get enough hosting credits, then go to https://support.xisto.com/ to create an account.

If everybody did what you just did, then there would be no need to fill out an application, now would there?

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