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Jackson Sucide - Virus Jacksons Sucide Spam IS Carrying A Virus

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A Windows e-mail virus is trying to attack victims by claiming that Michael Jackson has attempted suicide.


The message hopes to catch people's attention because of the huge interest in the on-going child abuse trial. The fake message contains a web link that supposedly links to Michael Jackson's suicide note. But anyone clicking on the link will have their PC invaded by a virus that gives others access to that machine.


Malicious message does not use a technical trick or loophole to infect machines. Instead it relies on tricking users into infecting themselves.


Those who click on the link in the fake e-mail to see the supposed suicide note will get a message suggesting that the site hosting it is busy.


The virus downloaded is a variant of the Borobt-Gen trojan which gives the virus' creator a backdoor into infected machines.

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And this is supposed to suprise me? There are still stupid enough people who click these kind of links, while in the eye of a "it expert" it's a bunch of bull and gets deleted immediatly. Btw, it has been on /. a long time ago....Thanks to these people clicking links, virus writers are getting lazier and less innovational with current existing exploits for outlook, etc, etc!

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