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Skateboarding Crash sprained elbow and messed up arm..

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Earlier today (Monday, June 6), I was walking my dog by having her pull me on my skateboard. She's a pretty strong dog, and I'm only 120 pounds, so I'd say we were going around 20 mph down a hill. Since today is the day trash is picked up, there were trash cans and recycling bins all over the sidewalk. My dog and I were riding down the sidewalk, and there was a recycling bin that was in our way.. My dog went around it, and I thought I'd try to do a kickflip over it. My board caught onto the recycling bin and before I knew it I was on the ground with my face all torn up, my arm pretty much crushed, and a rock sticking into the backside of my wrist. I jumped up immediatley only to almost fall back down again, my body was extremely weak. My dog being the great one she is, she came back to me after I fell, I was so happy that she didn't try to run like many other dogs would. I tried to get back on the skateboard and have her pull me back up, but she barked rapidly at the skateboard like it was an enemy. I picked up the skateboard and walked up there, luckily it was only around 200 yards away so I didn't have to suffer for long. I got back, showered, and then realized that I could only move my elbow around 3 inches..it was weird because I didn't feel it lol. My mom's a nurse so when she got home I had her take a look, and she said it was a sprain. This thing doesn't hurt much still though, it's weird. As for where the rock dug into the back of my wrist, it hurts pretty bad lol, I have it bandaged. It was around 2 1/2 - 3 cm deep, it was bleeding quite a bit x) Well I'm done with sahring my adventurous day..of to screwing up myself as a mod :P

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ouch, accidents like this are mean ... hope you're all fixed soon :Dabout 8 months ago, I was riding my bike downhill on a wet road ... at some point my back wheel just slipped away and stupid as I am I tried to catch the fall instead of trying to fall decently. I just heard something around the direction where my ankles were snap. I've been lucky and it was nothing too serious but I still had to wear a bandage for about a month. The bad thing about it: I had agreed to accompany a friend of mine to her city's fair two days later. well, she fell from her horse the next day so we were both unable to walk at our usual speed :P

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Hi, I can imagine just how much that can hurt. I had a friend that did something similiar to that. He was riding his new bike through a park. He was crazy about it and I hadn't heard the end of it until he had his accident. I wasn't informed about the accident until school the next day. He cam in with his head bandaged. (It actually looked quite funny although it must of hurt abit!) What had happened is that he hadn't bothered to wear a helmet and he had fallen of his bike banging his temples on the side of a sharp concrete slab that had been erected to sit on and use as a bench. It had made a gash so deep that it looked like he had caught the wrong side of SPAS 12 shotgun. I don't know much of the details, he didn't really want to talk about it much, but I just think that it is wierd the way our body works. Just like you after you fell the shock made you stand up immediatly. When I was staying on camp with the Army Cadet Force a couple of months back I fell onto my back. I hit the very bottom part of it which uncase you don't know is actually incredibly painfull. I stood up immediatly after touching the ground just to stagger on a bit and literally collapse. I was lucky enough to escape without any injuries, but I just think it's weird the way it works. Anyway, I hope your elbow gets better soon and good luck with the future! Thankyou, Sean Webber (Alive).

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