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Time Passing By

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sit here watching my life passing by, The experiences and loss brings a tear to my eyes. Some not all good like I had hoped, I look back and wonder how I coped. It kills me not to see his face, I try to find him but he leaves no trace. When I say hello, a reply would be nice, But he just stares so quiet like mice. I feel like I have done something wrong, I don't want to show it I have to be strong.He seems so shy like there's something hidden, In his heart like I'm forbidden.All I ask is for him to discover, I have feelings for him, there isn't another. I hate walking down that way, It reminds me of when we were there everyday. At the lockers is where we'd meet, When I saw his face my heart skipped a beat. I see him now but it's not the same, There's no conversation I guess I'm to blame.I miss being there walking down that path, I was there with him, till he got in his car. I'd wait for him or he'd wait for me, That's the way it happened to be.I felt we had something so special in hand, Like we felt the same, now I don't understand. What has happened, that has changed the vibe, what did it take from being so close then to not talking at all?It hurts so much, it feels like he's put up a wall. I can't break it down, it's stuck there like glue, Will it ever come down, will I ever have you. There's a part of me missing he once filled that space, It hurts so much just to see his face.

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