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Counter-strike problems on laptop

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hey guys,i recently formatted and reinstalled everything on my laptop. Before, running cs was fine (as in terms of lag and fps, it was always constant ((fps around 100, latency around 30)) ). Now with everything reinstalled, i've been getting terrible fps. I've updated the video driver to the most recent, and have even tried overclocking it. Nothing seems to work!I've also changed some settings in console, but that didn't help.My video card is an ATI Mobility radeon 7500. Anyone have any ideas why i might be getting terrible fps? It jumps to as low as 15 sometimes, and usually will stay around 50-60 before jumping back to 100 again. I have no idea why it keeps jumping around.Thanks in advance!c3nar1us

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try going to http://www.blackviper.com/ to disable any services and crap you have running. When I reformmated my comp I was suprised to find I had alot of spyware because my antivirus wasn't up. Try going to http://www.lavasoft.com/ and getting the adware scanner. Also when your playing CS, make sure no other programs are opened. Maybe you can get some boosting software like cachemanxp.In CS, try these commands:cl_weather 0fs_lazyprecache 1fps_max 999try using different resoultions (i think 1024X768 looks + performs the best)Also try tweaking your video settings to more leaning towards performance settings.Report to me if any of these worked!-L.F

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Hi it may also be because of the updating of your driver to the latest model and may tweaking and overclocking may not been needed and i dont recommend it because it does lower the life of te card. I had this problem once befoe and it seems cs never works the same wenever u start a clean slate. so revert back to ur previous stable drivers and try from there before continuing with technical issuesGood Luck

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Hey I had the same problem with another computer like this but it's not on Counter Strike..I relised when I was benchmarking with 3DMark..Here's how I solve it...I installed all video drivers, directx and other multimedia stuffs but still the fps was lower then before formatting...I read through the documentation from DELL (it was a Dell computer) and I relised that I need to install motherboard drivers...I was in the package of installation files...Filename, somehow, the same as the name of my motherboard..After installing, I was forced to restart the computer...After which, my fps came back.. and the fps became faster..!So you might need to check your documentation of your computer...If its a DELL, I suggest you will need to install your motherboard driver package...Hope that helps...:rolleyes:

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