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"banana Sam" A short story for your enjoyment

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I wrote this about a year ago- it's kind of silly, so don't read this if you don't feel like throwing part of your life in the trash. :(


banana sam



Bo is like any other kind of rocker. Made of wood, he goes back and forth, slowly lulling you to sleep. Oh. Sorry. Wrong kind of rocker.


Bo loves guitars- and he?s a genius with them. People love Bo because he?s always willing to answer questions about the guitar and help them with anything they need. He even owns his own guitar shop, called ?Rock the Block?. Rock the Block sells only the coolest guitars and gear. The people who work there are like family, and they are always willing to help. The second you walk in Rock the Block, you know you belong. People can come into Rock the Block on Thursday evenings for a free guitar lesson from Bo.


Bo is always in a pair of cargo pants and a tank. He?s got light brown, chin length hair underneath the bucket hat he never takes off.


Bo works with his best friend Nikki. Bo and Nikki have been friends for longer then they can remember. Their favorite memories are all the bands they were in as kids. They are always coming up with something new on their guitars. Bo?s guitar is a bright yellow Strat named Sam, and Nikki has a metallic red Fender Esquire Custom GT with white racing stripes she calls Rose.


One Thursday night in early summer after teaching a lesson, Bo found himself taking a different route home. He wandered through the streets of his big city hometown, Rockville. ?I need something more in my life. Some kind of change, some adventure?, Bo murmured to himself. A sweet smell lingered around the dark streets, and it made Bo hungry. He followed the smell into an alley. As Bo walked in, he noticed a faint yellow light. Curious, he walked in deeper as a mist slowly clouded around him. ?Where am I? What?s happening?? he asked himself. He was too scared to move in further; it seemed like something out of a cheezy science fiction movie- except this was real. He looked around, not knowing what to do. Then he saw it. He froze. It was bright yellow, and the light in the alley seemed to be coming from it. By now the mist had completely surrounded him, and he found he was reaching for it. The smell drew him closer, it vaguely reminded him of bananas. He was in a daze, he was barely conscious of what he was doing. The next thing he realized, he had put it on. It was a suit, yellow in color, with a banana decorating the chest and mask. A yellow tornado swirled around him. Yellow flashes of lightning came down from the sky. At last he spoke. ?I AM BANANA SAM?.


The next thing he knew, he woke up in his apartment. ?Whoa,? he thought to himself, ?That was the weirdest dream ever. I wish I could remember all of it. I was like, some kind of superhero. Nikki would get a kick out of that!? He stretched and got out of bed. As he walked into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat, he felt a little sore. ?I didn?t rock out all that hard,? Bo thought. A couple hours later he made his way to Rock the Block.


The second he walked in, his best friend Nikki ran toward him, shouting something unintelligible. ?What?? mumbled Bo, ?Slow down?. Nikki began again, this time a little more calmly. ?Okay. Did you read the newspaper this morning?? Bo yawned and said, ?Uh? no. I barely even made it; I?m so dead.? Nikki nodded, not really paying attention to what Bo said. She explained the news, ?There?s this superhero. Superhero! In Rockville! I mean, who thought there were actually superheroes around anymore? but right here! Read.? Bo took the newspaper from Nikki and plopped down on his worn out beanbag. He stared at the paper, with his eyes wide, not knowing what to think. After a couple minutes, Bo picked up one of the guitars and started strumming. ?Nikki, that?s really awesome! Maybe we?ll get to meet him someday,? he said, while in his mind he was completely confused. ?Mysterious banana colored man patrols the city of Rockville? Unidentified hero stops bank robbery?? he thought to himself, ?That just seems too familiar. I thought I was dreaming. Maybe I still am.? Bo was too tired to think about it further, and nodded off to sleep with the guitar in his arms.


Nikki woke him up gently. ?How long have I been asleep?? asked Bo.


?Long enough. People are staring. You know, drooling on that guitar isn?t going to help it sell. You need to go home and get some rest- you don?t look good,? answered Nikki. ?What were you doing last night??


Bo shook his head, still confused about everything. ?I?m not sure,? he said. ?Everything is just a blur. I?ll be back when I get myself together.? Nikki was worried. Bo walked down the street to his apartment. When he got back, he crawled in bed and fell asleep once again.


A strange desire crept over him. He reached toward the suit. It seemed to glow, and now the light was filling the room. He slipped it on, and in an instant he was changed. Now he stood tall and strong, confident, instead of the weak and tired man he had been just moments ago. He shouted with a loud voice, ?I AM BANANA SAM?. He leaped out the window and sped out of sight. Was he dreaming? Or was this real? He didn?t know. So began his second adventure.


The next morning he woke up in his bed, exhausted. He stumbled through another morning trying to recall what had happened. When he arrived at Rock the Block, Nikki met him with another newspaper. The headlines sung of a new hero, painting a picture of a valiant rescuer.


Strange banana themed superhero saves family trapped in burning home


Rockville?s new hero identifies himself as Banana Sam


Banana Sam gives villains quite a scare in east quarter


It was real. Very real, and Bo was terrified.


Bo stared into space, not knowing what to do. Should he tell Nikki? He always told her everything, but this seemed different. It was too weird. He was scared at the thought of doing things he seemed to have no control of. Minutes passed, and Bo hadn?t moved. He eventually got up and tried to act like nothing had happened. Nikki saw that something was different; she wasn?t easily fooled, but what could she say?


Days passed; each morning another newspaper proclaimed Bo?s nightly adventures. He was trapped in this repeating cycle. Day after day he would awaken, drained of energy, with only a vague memory of what had gone on the night before. He seemed to be locked in room of ignorance, a room without doors, a room with no escape. What could he do? Nikki watched as Bo slipped into silence. He barely did anything now. What was happening to her Bo?


Nikki?s curiosity for Banana Sam hadn?t faded. One night she crept out into the streets of Rockville hoping to catch a glimpse of him. She wandered around for hours without finding Banana Sam, and eventually started her way home, deeply disappointed. Then she heard a voice echoing in the night. Nikki whirled around just in time to see a glimpse of the bright yellow cape only Banana Sam wore, far in the distance. She ran toward it, hoping with all her heart that she could meet Banana Sam. When Banana Sam saw Nikki, he stiffened. He stood strangely still with his solemn gaze fixed on her. Closer and closer Nikki ran. Banana Sam stood in a daze. His mind was a mess of confusion. Here and there flashes of his true self shone through. Banana Sam closed his eyes tightly. Then, out of the silence, he raised his voice and said, ?Nikki??


Nikki stopped. ?Excuse me,? she called humbly, ?but I almost thought you said my name?. Banana Sam seemed not to hear her. ?Nikki? Is that you?? he asked. Nikki was shocked. ?How? how did you know that?? she asked in awe. ?Nikki. Come closer,? called Banana Sam, so much more weakly than anyone had ever seen him. Nikki walked closer, timidly, still in shock. She didn?t know what to think. As she neared him, Banana Sam collapsed.


Nikki ran toward him again. ?Banana Sam!? she cried. She stood over Banana Sam?s lifeless body, not knowing what to do. ?Banana Sam! Wake up!? she shouted. She gently shook him, hoping to revive him, but nothing happened. Nikki knelt over him now, in a panic. She peeled off the mask.


Nikki fell back. She felt nothing. It seemed to her that time stood still. Seconds passed, but they felt like hours. Nikki suddenly awoke to her senses and felt for a pulse. Bo?s heart still beat, though weakly. Nikki struggled to lift Bo up. She staggered a few steps toward home, but she could not hold him any longer. Nikki laid him back down. ?Someone help me!? she screamed into the night. ?Someone, please? she sobbed.


Nikki?s tears fell on Bo?s face as he knelt over him. Drop after drop they fell, until Bo?s eyes fluttered open. He lay there, tired and still. Nikki didn?t realize that he was awake until Bo sighed. ?Let?s go home,? Bo said quietly. Nikki?s eyes opened suddenly to see Bo awake.


?Can? can you get up?? Nikki asked, shaking. ?I don?t know,? said Bo. ?We?ve got to try,? urged Nikki. Nikki struggled to pull Bo to his feet and the two walked a few steps with Nikki supporting Bo. Nikki stopped. ?You?d better put your mask back on,? she said, almost laughing. Nikki pulled the mask over Bo?s face, and they walked again, silently, to Bo?s apartment. It took quite a while to get back, and the two took several rests on the way. When they arrived, Bo went straight to bed, while Nikki stayed with him through the rest of the night.


Bo awoke to the sun brightly streaming through the window. He breathed in deeply, and smelled coffee and breakfast. He walked into the kitchen. ?You cooked all this?? he asked with a yawn, seeing bacon, eggs, and pancakes. ?I thought this would wake you up,? Nikki said laughing, ?Are you kidding? The only breakfast food you have around here is Captain Crunch. I ordered it?. ?Oh. Right,? said Bo, sitting down to eat with a smile.


?Well, this explains a lot, Mr. Banana Sam,? teased Nikki. ?Yeah,? said Bo, forcing a laugh. An uncomfortable minute passed. ?What?s going on Bo?? Nikki asked seriously. ?Nikki, I? I don?t know,? said Bo. ?Come on Bo. What?s up?? Nikki pushed. ?Look. I?m telling you the truth,? Bo began. ?I don?t know. One day everything is normal, and the next I wake up with newspapers telling me that what I thought was a dream is real. I don?t know how it happened, and I don?t know why. I can?t control what I do; I barely realize I?m doing it in the first place. Do you know how much torture this is? It?s not even funny. I have no clue,? he said. Nikki sat staring into space, thinking. ?What can I do?? asked Nikki. ?I don?t know,? replied a frustrated Bo. Nikki was still thinking. ?Okay. What if I follow you? I?ll see what goes on, even if you can?t. We can try. I?ll try anything. What do you think?? asked Nikki.


That night after Bo left Rock the Block, Nikki went with him. Bo went to bed early, and Nikki stayed in the apartment while he slept. A few hours passed. Nikki?s eyes started get heavy. She yawned, and got up to get some water. She heard a shout. ?I AM BANANA SAM,? it said. Nikki shot into the bedroom only to see that Bo was already gone. ?Oh, smart move Nikki,? she said to herself. Nikki raced out of the apartment and climbed into Bo?s yellow mustang. Nikki found Banana Sam a few blocks away, already in action. He was chasing down a masked man. Banana Sam saw Nikki in his car and stopped. He shook his head- his mind was seeing double. He was Banana Sam, yet at the same time he felt like his real self again. He came out of the fog, becoming Bo again. ?Nikki!? he exclaimed. The masked man started making his escape. Nikki put the pedal to the metal, racing straight for the man, and then swerved around, blocking his path of escape. ?Whoa,? exclaimed Bo. The masked man started running in the other direction, but seeing Banana Sam, he stopped. Bo grabbed him.


The next morning, Bo awoke with full memory of everything. He smiled at the thought of how he and Nikki had worked together. He felt rested and happy. Nikki never showed up at Rock the Block that day. ?She must be tired,? thought Bo. He never thought anything of it.


Nikki didn?t show up the next day either. Or the next; in fact, it had been a whole week and Nikki still hadn?t made her presence known. No one had seen her or heard anything about what was going on. Bo called Nikki constantly- but the phone must have been left off the hook. He pounded on his door, but there was no answer. He peered into the windows; he slipped notes under the door. There was no trace of Nikki. She seemed to have disappeared. Meanwhile, Bo spent his nights as Banana Sam. The problem hadn?t been solved. Bo couldn?t remember what went on. Without Nikki, things were getting crazy at Rock the Block. Bo had to handle everything alone, and he was a tired mess after his nightly episodes as the city?s favorite banana colored superhero.


Bo lay in his bed one night thinking, wondering, trying to understand. It had now been a whole month since Bo had last seen Nikki. What had happened? Why did she leave? Where had she gone? Bo?s mind was spinning. After what seemed like forever, he finally fell asleep. The next thing he knew, he was in the middle of downtown Rockville. He saw a streak of silver racing toward him. Closer and closer it came. It was a car, a silver viper. Bo jumped out of the way as it slammed its brakes. Out jumped a girl in a suit made of duct tape. She was covered from head to toe in the silvery gray tape. The only things visible were her eyes, mouth and ears. Her eyes were dark and piercing, black as night, and her lips were pursed in grim determination. Her outfit shone, reflecting the moon above. She held a single rose, made of deep red duct tape. ?Who are you?? asked Banana Sam. ?Rose? she said. ?I assume you are Banana Sam?? she asked coolly. ?Uh??? yeah,? answered Banana Sam. ?Get in,? the girl commanded without emotion, as she pointed to the car. Bo followed reluctantly. He wasn?t sure what to make of the duct tape covered girl. Inside, Rose had music blaring. ?Where are we going?? shouted Banana Sam. ?You will see soon enough,? she answered. She revved the engine, and they were gone. Neither superhero spoke for the duration of the ride.


They arrived at the unknown destination. The duct taped girl got out of the car and motioned to Banana Sam. Banana Sam got out and followed. Rose opened a worn out steel door on the side of the building. The wooden floor creaked as the two walked in. The room was dark. The girl flipped on the lights, and Banana Sam?s eyes grew wide. It was the perfect superhero hideout.


Bright, crisp, and clean- it was nothing like the outside would lead you to believe. Everything a superhero might need could be found behind that old steel door. Bo?s eyes darted back and forth. They caught glimpses of things from a workout station to a bright yellow chair marked ?Banana Sam?. There was food, and lots of it. Banana Sam stood in the doorway without moving for quite a while. ?You going to come in?? asked the stranger. Banana Sam didn?t know what to say. ?Grab something to eat, you?ve got to be hungry,? she said as she pointed to the shelves piled with food. ?I?I guess I am hungry,? Banana Sam whispered. He walked over and scanned the shelves? contents. ?Do you like Captain Crunch or something?? asked Banana Sam. There were at least ten boxes. ?I thought you did,? the girl replied. Banana Sam whirled around.


?How did you know that?? he asked. ?You are scaring me. What is up with you? You tell me nothing, not a thing about who you are, or why you have been stalking me to find out what kind of cereal I eat, and then you bring me to this building with? with? with my own PERSONAL CHAIR! I really want to know what is going on,? Banana Sam yelled. He stood, staring straight at the girl. The girl stared straight back and silently pulled the mask from her face.


It was Nikki.


?Oh, wow,? Bo said. ?WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? he asked, ?Where have you been?? Bo was a little overwhelmed. He sat down in his chair. ?Do know what has been going on? I have had to handle everything at Rock the Block alone, on top of being extremely tired from my?? Bo stopped as he saw Nikki?s face. Her eyes looked so sad. Bo sat there, regretting what he had just said. ?I?m sorry. I didn?t mean to yell,? he said. Nikki sat down and began to speak. ?After that night when we worked together, I realized that I wanted to do this too. You know, be a superhero, just like you. That was a night I will never forget. So the next day, I started to make myself this suit. Then I had this great idea. We could have our own hideout. I wanted to surprise you. I guess it didn?t turn out to be such a great idea. I?m sorry I left you all alone, and I definitely didn?t mean to scare you. I just wanted to make it the best.?


So it was Banana Sam and Duct Tape Rose who kept watch over their beloved city by night. Bo figured out that he became conscious of what he was doing as Banana Sam when Nikki was near. Both Banana Sam and Duct Tape Rose became action figures sold in every toy store. Bo never solved the mystery of where the suit came from, or why. He accepted his strange fate and became legendary for his brave acts.



The end

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Hello,I like your story its interesting. Now this is something I wrote for my class in science about the Manhattan project and I did good on it so here it is.In 1939 the Nazi?s were rumored to be developing an atomic bomb. The United States needed to build the atomic bomb before the Germans and the Japanese because if they didn?t we would?ve lost World War II. The program started under the army corps of engineers in June 1942. General Leslie R. Groves was appointed to direct the project from Washington D.C. Robert Oppenheimer was to lead the day-to-day running of the operation at the weapons laboratory located at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The first major goal was to find an acceptable and plentiful source of fuel for the bombs. Neils Bohr started the isotope Uranium-235 that was a likely candidate because it was unstable and it could sustain a chain reaction. Glen Seaborg found that the isotope Plutonium was also a good candidate. After they picked out element that would fuel the bombs they ran into another problem. They had to obtain these elements, which would be a major challenge. One point that was put into consideration was they needed a way to sustain a fission chain reaction which would give the atomic bomb its power. Most of the atomic bombs used U-235 and the most important thing for the bomb to work was to have enough U-235, so they had to find a lot of it for the bombs. U-235 is obtained from uranium ore, a natural rock containing the element. The uranium ore is processed to extract the different uranium isotopes. The Manhattan Project yielded four atomic bomb, but one was not used. The first one that was created was known as ?Gadget? which was a test bomb. The next bomb was known as ?Little Boy? which was a uranium bomb used in warfare on Hiroshima. The last bomb was known as ?Fat Man? was the same design as ?Gadget? but ?Fat Man? was used in warfare over Nagasaki. Richard Feyman was responsible for calculating the amount of uranium needed to start a chain reaction, which is the critical mass. Over all the Manhattan Project cost the U.S. two million dollars, if it was today it would?ve cost the U.S. twenty billion dollars. If you separate the cost it would equal five billion dollars per bomb. By 1945 the project had nearly forty laboratories spread throughout the country. In Hiroshima 60,000 people died because of radiation poison which brought the death total to 140,000. Since then several thousand more people have died of radiation-related causes. According to the city of Hiroshima, as of August 6, 2004, the cumulative death toll of atomic-bomb victims was 237,062. They say there are about 270,000 atomic bomb victims still living in Hiroshima. In the bombing of Nagasaki ?Fat Man? was used. The bombing killed 75,000 people and if you include all the people that died later on because of radiation it would bring the total to some 100,000 people dead

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