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Support A Good Cause & Get Paid To Search As Well ;)

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Hi guys,

Now there's another site called Pay-Pup similar to Netbux - that pays you $0.02 or 2 cents per search you do through them. Only difference with Netbux is that these guys let you do 50 payable searches per day - letting you earn a maximum of $1.00 per day.


Here's the deal - am trying to get referals under me in both these services. For each search that you perform through these sites, you get 2 cents and so do I. So far I've got 8 referals under me in Netbux and 1 in Pay-pup (moonwitch) - am trying to do as many searches as possible and telling my referals to do so too. The gathered money will be used to support AntiLost.Com - the OpenSource Collaborative Software Development Site we're launching soon. Right now the site is on a free asta account, but if we're to support project hosting, we'll need a whole bunch of disk space and thus have to go for a paid account. My idea is to get it from Xisto - Web Hosting - that'll support OpaQue too and help us maintain the site well... :D


The domain for this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - was donated by none other than our beloved OpaQue to get us started on this mission. Feel free to drop by at AntiLost.Com for a sneak peek of what's going on.


All you got to do is singup at either or both of these services (both is better - that way we'll make money faster) and start searching. They employ all the standard engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Askjeeves, Lycos, AllTheWeb etc. - so your searches will essentially fetch you the same results. Only factor you got to keep in mind is to fill up your quota of 40/50 searches per day at either of these sites.


So my request goes out to all of you here to join in and Search for a good cause. I'll keep updating the account balance of both services in this post on a daily basis - so we can keep track of how much we've made so far.



Today: May 2nd, 2005


Netbux: $13.62

Pay-pup: $02.40


Total: $16.02




To signup at any of these services, you should use the following referral links:


1. Netbux: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

2. Pay-pup: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



Counting on you guys to actively participate in this.




Search for a Good Cause -_-

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Why signup using http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
When i can use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or http://aeijmp.com/see.php?q=pay+pal&affid=err1&subid=66076&p=2&r=0

Anyway there are like a million of thease threads for netbux or summit else.
I dont go on thease sites, I prefer working hard.

FFC Webmaster,
Asad Haider.

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Why signup using http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

When i can use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or http://aeijmp.com/see.php?q=pay+pal&affid=err1&subid=66076&p=2&r=0


Anyway there are like a million of thease threads for netbux or summit else.

I dont go on thease sites, I prefer working hard.


FFC Webmaster,

Asad Haider.


Well before you decide to rebutt at something make sure You've READ and FULLY UNDERSTOOD what the other person is saying - or else don't indulge yourself in useless comments. Nobody can earn without working hard - but this is an easy opportunity since everybody uses internet to search ... Know what ? even searching around takes effort - and the payment you get in return is hardly worth mentioning - would you call that sitting at home and making easy money ???


Besides I didn't force anyone to sign up using my referals.. go signup wherever you feel like.. Thats why I said READ before you LEAP - take a look back again and try to figure out WHY I REQUESTED people to signup using these referrals..


If you're not interested that your problem - at least don't go around saying offending stuff (the tone of your message is offending enough).. and shows how little grasp you got of my pledge...

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