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Yes this is real says so in my science book.its not from Full metal alchemist.But it is said in my book its the OLDEST form of science No you cannot do those cool things like they did in the show but that would be cool take this teacher go to freaking hell you give me an f I fail you in life.

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Awwww that show is awesome -_- so what is alchemy?


Alchemy is ancient chemistry and there is science involved in it. Some say that Alchemist study properties of metals like lead so that they can turn them into gold. A famous alchemist in the past is Nicholas/Nikolas Flamel. He was said to have discovered the Philosopher's Stone which, when even a small sliver of it is mixed with any metal, turns it into gold. There are mythological aspects of alchemy also. It is often said that the Philosopher's stone in it's liquid form is called 'The Elixir of Life' and it can heal any ailment/disease in the world and can even grant its owner immortality. HAS ANYONE READ THE HARRY POTTER SERIES? Nicholas Flamel was there in the first book, HP and the Philosopher's Stone.


I hope I helped.

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Hehe, the "philospshiper's stone" is nothing more than a made up story. Alchemy is what we now call Chemistry these days. They started by trying to turn hosre poop into gold back then.

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Give or take, but Full Metal Alchemist is over the general subject.At that point of time, "philosiphers" we believed to fix intrsuments and heal people using alchemy, where as the instruments were poorly repaired, and peoples symptoms got better for a short period of time, but worsed later...Over all, the thereom of "Equivlent Exchange" is still played in this, but while nothing is going on, as previously said, this "philosiphers" walked away with all the gold the could mooch off of those who believed.

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Well, there were a damn lot of fakies back in those days. If you were charismatic and had quick hands, you might as well pretend you had a brian as well.

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alchemy is the ancient science of turning common metals into precious metals, especially gold. which is pretty much impossible loli read there is a way of creating gold by fusing atoms n such togetehr to form the structures. . . but the power it would take to run the machine to create a small nugget of gold would be something completely crazy and cost wayyyyyy too much to make it efficient.so to sum up alchemy is bollox -_-

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It is true, that alcehmy is about converting other metals to gold using the philosopher's stone (which everyone tried to make). But there is more to alchemy, it has a deeper, more philosophical view and it is important that we know that it is not only about producing gold.

Here is a nice site which concentrates more on this philosophical view of alchemy if you are interested...


Have a nice day;)


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It is true, that alcehmy is about converting other metals to gold using the philosopher's stone (which everyone tried to make).




The philosiphers stone was not used to turn ore into precious metal, it was use to bost the alchemists power, Suposedly multiplying it by the thousands....




Other than a few writen documents of study, there is no proof that this has happened, and even though the transcripts are in latin, if they were true why hasent a scientist done this yet to prove that i can actualy happen?


There is just to many holes in the study about it, some of it you just cant follow, even if you wanted to.

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Alchemy is an intresting subject. Have you guys ever read the book The Alchemist?? It is a story about a kid named Santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids (he had a dream of this treasure). Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an alchemist, all of whom point Santiago in the direction of his treasure. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to overcome the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as a journey to find find a treasure turns into a discovery of the treasures found within. This story is an eternal testament to the transforming power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts. It is very intresting.I have read the book 2 times, in spanish and english. I love it. And i would really recomend anyone to read it, it really is intresting, and if alchemy intrests you, this will definately be yoru book, and even if it doesnt if you read it i think you will enjoy it.

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Hey Robot... I am from Belgium as well, we even have the same ISP :D

Anyhow, on topic.
Alchemy is not just some tale, it's a religion. Alchemy is not dead -_- It's very active still, in a select group of the Pagan Community :D It's not about discovering gold, it's a way of life. Alchemy is also very ceremonial, like Hermetics :D

It's not the fancy Harry Potter magic, but true majick, the majick that stems from within yourself. It's about a microcosmos and the macrocosmos. Big and small.... Anyhow, since I have not had the honour of studying alchemy I may not be the ideal person to explain. BUt I can share my links I have on the subject :D

Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Alchemy Website
Levity - site with good general info on alt religions
Alchemy Lab

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