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Mysql Access Hosts List Is it alive?

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I was going to give a close friend of mine a database so he could use it to install nucleus to his website. So I configures everything through cpanel, made a new database, user and all that. Afterwards I added his domain's ip addresses and actually every IP address in the subnet using the "%" operand as was written. However we still couldn't have nucleus to install. after we enter all the information to the installer it says for example something along the lines of:"katrina.aplushosting.com" is not allowed to connect to this MySQL databseIs this feature there but turned off to prevent other sites nicking from Xisto MySQL?Or is it not working?Or am I missing something?I do remember it working some time ago though, when I ran a forum script from another site for a day or two till I migrated the whole thing to Xisto...

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i dont think you are allowed to connect to the database from an external source( is that possible anyway?).... .but why dont you install the nucleus thing on your account and link the whole thing do a url forwarder

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well yes, just putting the whole thing on my Xisto account is a possibility, I'm just wondering why this doesn't work, it is there for this purpose afterall...

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I actually found out what was wrong... the server is not Xisto.com but rather the IP displayed on your cpanel home screen. After we changed that everything started working.

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