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Seeking Victims....er, I Mean Volunteers

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Hi:I have an external java script that I have offered to somebody to use on their web site. It is a histologyvocabulary word, updated every single day. I want to make sure that my script works properly. Is there anybody out there who is willing to test it on their page and give me feedback? Specifically, recommendations for improvement or let me know the link of the page you put it on, so I can see how it works?Just copy on paste this code:<center><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"src="http://www.histology-world.com/contents/contents.htm as a side note, this is a pretty esoteric field, so the histology vocabulary word is not going to be of much interest to most people. I do however, want the script to be functioning properly and the layout to be nice, so that if she uses it, it works well.Your comments are appreciated. Thanks!Sunkist

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Ok, as an aside. The script is on my server here at Xisto and it already looks like it works (so its not going to crash your page or do anything malicious)


It is on my site on this page:




And it looks like it is working fine, and I am happy with the layout of it on this page.


(It is in the right hand corner)



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I put it there, looks like you made a minor mistake on the quote though. Is this a script from http://www.javascriptsource.com/ ?

Why do you want people to test it when it's working fine on yours? I see that you have it automatically change each day, cool.

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Hey...thank you for testing it for me! I wanted somebody to test it to get their feedback, and just double checking that it is working fine. It looks like it works fine on your site.I moved around the quotes on purpose. I put the quotes around the vocabulary word of the day, but not the definition.And yea, it updates daily.Thanks again.

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Hi:I offered the script to one person, because she let me use some articles on my site.I am debating about offering it to other histology sites? Any thoughts on this?It is a Histology-Word-A-Day. It is updated daily. So really, the only sites interested would be other histology sites. I am concerned about band with usage. Does anybody know how to estimate how much bandwith the script will use if somebody uses it on their page?Or at least, some kind of way to estimate, so that I could figure it out.I don't mind other sites using my script. I spent a lot of time writing the definitions, and it is educational. So I would be glad if other students and educators could benefit. I just don't want to use up all my bandwith or be socked with a huge bill, because I want to allow others to use it.Comments?

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