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Se?or Maniac

Maniac's Ne Sig.

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Mr. Maniac, even though I don't like the US and its leader very much, I'd have to say your sig is decent. It's simple, but you can make it look a little better.For starters, you can make the red in "Proud to be an American" another color because it's kind of hard to miss.That's all I have to say. :lol:

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What is wrong with my country. I think that we have a great leader. Better than what the other one would have done if he were president. I would like to know.

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This is the Creativity Forum, so I don't want to write a long text about what USA and its president have done. Anyway I completely agree with snlildude87 and there's a long list about what Bush have done, starting from the Iraqi war (and don't say that this is a war to make Iraq free), his connection with Bin Laden family and generally his politic (why don't rember his ideas against abortion and euthanasia) that rewards only rich people and only few of his electors.Anyway your picture is nice, but it's better if you increase the size of text (not much) and change the color (blue for example) so your message will stand out better.Another suggestion that you probably doesn't like, change completely the text with a one less patriotic, but that express principles of the US constitution and of the Chart of Right (is it right the name?). And this principles aren't the war, remember.

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