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How Many Credits Do I Get Per Post? credits per post

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so for a long post you get more credits than a short one? im not sure but i think you would get more credits for a long post rather than a short one. Oh yeah, how hard is it to get 10 or 50 credits? because forum posting is a bit harder than it sounds. I used to be at AtSpace, but it went down a lot so i moved to Xisto, and i looked for other hosts, but i couldn't find anyone good enough, i tried http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but it was hard to find out where to sign up and everything. it kept saying weird things but oh well. anyway, how long should it take me to get 10 to 50 credits? how many credits do i get for this one? oh well, i'll go check myself now, oh yeah is there a quick link to the credits page?

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If you post is over 300 characters, not words, character, then you will get about 5 hosting credits. If your post is short, like "lol" or "thank you" or "nice", then you will barely get .2 hosting credits.

You can check your hosting credits here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Try not to think about hosting credits when you're posting. Just remember to have fun, be informative, and not to spam. Your hosting credits will soon increase without you even knowing. :lol:

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Notice from NilsC:
This is a junk post to get hosting credits, You just lost 10 hosting credits a penalty. Participate ans have fun don't spam the forums
i'm sorry about the third post, but does anyone visit gamefaqs.com? it is a great site about video games and programming and everything. its mainly for video games, but you can find lots and lots and lots and lots of message board after message board after message board after message board about programming and html encoding and other programming languages, and its a site that i often visit and like. it has lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of members, it has more than 1000000 members, check it out for yourself its true, it has more than 1 million members !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! i just wish that one of my sites would have that many visitors, but i dont know, and can you lose credits? that was another question i had? well can you lose credits somehow in some way shape or form? at all please?, huh, can u get a domain name also? i mean at this site Xisto.com, do u get a free domain name? or do u get a free subdomain name under Xisto.com, like Xisto.com/sghod1212, or sghod1212.trap17.com, or Xisto.sghod1212.com, wow i posted that Xisto.com under another Xisto.com, oh well, i hope this host is way better than atspace, because atspace was terrible, they said the sites were always up, but they weren't at all!!! sometmimes my site wouldn't be able to connect or anything it stinks, a lot , and on ice, and on turkey

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For the 2 posts asking for hosting credits, you got around 3 hosting credits. The first post is a one liner, to many of those and we start deleting them then they are not worth anything.If you are looking for hosting, we are looking for contributions. By contributions I mean posts... you contribute posts.Nils

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