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New Pope: A Nazi! News sources poping up WORLD WIDE

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:lol: Well this pope comes from a high-middle class family, and he didn't had much chance to refuse to enter Hitler's Youth since it was almost mandatory for any good teen german, it was like being chinese without being a comunist during Mao...still he had a chance (a far better one than the chinese people) not to go with this crappy ideology...Nazis are still around, fortunelly not much of them, and hopefully they will never get to power again...but manking must not forget all the harm they have done...I'm sure nowdays the pope doesn't approves any of hitler's actions, i'm sure he regrets being part of such evil organization, every christian is forgiven if he regrets and confesses, so why not the pope?...but i must confess i was disapointed...i was hoping for a small poor country's pope, better yet a black pope in order to further eliminate racism from the face of the earth...but as the vatican admited, the christians aren't ready for a black pope yet...does this mean that they are still lots of racists among christians?...hope not

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Nazi LOL do you really think that a pope can be nazi! afcourse not! you have to respect the Leader and if all the popes vote on him i think they had to know that he was an nazi so i dont know where you got this infromation but it is all lies!!!(srry for bad english)

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In my opinion you should forgive and forget because that was awile ago and like Wy said it was mandetory so he had no choice. Also the cardinals thought long and hard about their decision so I would assume they made the choice that should help Catholics.

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A great many foolish statements have been made in this thread.

It seems that many of you think that the papacy is pristine and holy. That a man could ascend to the papacy despite childhood collaberation with an immoral regime is unthinkable to some.

I suppose you have never heard of Pope John XII. John engaged in pretty much every sin that has a name. By all accounts, he was not the kind of man you would want to leave alone with your daughter... or your wife... or your mother... or your son... basically, there was a good chance he'd have sex with anybody who went near him. If he didn't like you, you were excommunicated and/or killed. For more on John XII, see the Rotten Library.

Pope Benedict XVI donned jackboots and talked about how rad the Fuhrer was with the other kidsÂat least he didn't bone his mother.

On this, we can all agree.

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Apparently, none of you have read what Wyllt has said. Which is one of the few correct, fully truthful statements in this thread.


Being apart of Hitler's Youth was compulsory at the time in Germany. Furthermore, the majority of German civillians (along with the rest of the world) were not aware of the extent of the attrocities that Hitler committed; being the charismatic man he was, and being in such a state of poverty and hardship, they saw him as a hero, with his promises of a better future. Although no one could possibly repeat such terrible crimes, and I am not trying to suggest it, think of how a lot of people see President George W. Bush - there are many, many people who support him, yet there are many, many others who view him with little more than contempt, especially after the recent Iraqi war. I will not take either side of that argument, and it's a little off topic, but you have to understand that just because German people supported Hitler in the time of war and in the lead-up to it, doesn't make them heinous war criminals. Today, we can see the terrible things that Hitler did and that he was a mad, very twisted individual. But back then, especially to someone as young as 14, none of that was known; and it was the status quo of the time to be hateful towards Jewish people, and being tought from birth that they were scum was a common practise of the time. Brainwashing is a powerful thing, especially when a nation is in such a state as Germany was in pre-war times. On a completely unrelated note, that is why the United States of America poured so much money into Japan at the end of World War II - so as to prevent a repeat of what happened with a war-torn Germany after World War I.


So here is what Wyllt said again:


Ok, the guy was part of the Hitler youth when membership was COMPULSORY, has the world forgotten what this word means? For those of you who don't know:


com?pul?so?ry    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (km-pls-r)


Obligatory; required: a compulsory examination.

Employing or exerting compulsion; coercive.


He was forced into it essentially, sure he could have resisted, gone to jail or worse, but can you honestly blame him? If so then be prepared to judge an entire generation of most of Germany, and a whole slew of other European nations near by as well. Personally I more dislike his conservative views then his involvment in an organization he had no choice but to join, but then again I am not a catholic.


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According to Wikipedia:


When Ratzinger turned 14 he joined the Hitler Youth, membership of which was legally required from March 25, 1939.[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Benedict_XVI) According to the National Catholic Reporter correspondent and biographer John Allen, Ratzinger was an unenthusiastic member who refused to attend meetings. Ratzinger has mentioned that a Nazi mathematics professor arranged reduced tuition payments for him at seminary. This normally required documentation of attendance at Hitler Youth activities; however, according to Ratzinger, his professor arranged so that he did not need to attend to receive a scholarship.


Of course, there's always whitewashing of history when it comes to genocide, but the general consensus is that Ratzinger wasn't ecstatic about National Socialism.


But my previous point remains; popes are just ordinary men. Would he be any more righteous if he had refused enrollment outright? Well, yeah, but he'd likely be dead. Or he at least would have been miserable for several years. Give the guy a break.

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Why's all this so shocking? The Roman Catholic Church backed the Nazi regime and carried on with its business in Nazi countries as usual. It's known that the RCC housed German soldiers and supported the Germans, however much the RCC might like to cover it up. Christ said it was once an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but no longer (Mt. 5:38). Love fulfils the Law because it does no harm to others (Ro. 13:10). Vengeance is God's, He alone is the perfect judge, and we are to "recompense to no man evil for evil." (Ro. 12:17-21)The Pharisees wanted to administer the punishments of the Law like death by stoning, problem is the whole world is guilty before God. (Ro. 3:19) Christ being God is the only man who ever could have justly ordered that woman put to death, and He did not. Just because the majority of the world claims to be Christian doesn't mean it is. Christ said many will come to Him in the last day thinking they know Him only to be told otherwise (Mt. 7:22) On the other hand few will find eternal life (Mt. 7:14). You will know them as Christ said, by what they produce, a good tree can't bring forth evil fruits any more then an evil one can bring forth good. (Mt. 7:16-19) If they are not abiding in the love of Christ, taking evil, turning the other cheek, doing no harm to others (the fulfilling of the Law), loving their enemies, praying for those that despitefully use them, etc etc etc... Why would you think they are a Christian?Salvation is a heart transaction between you and God, we can't see the transaction itself but we can see the evidence of a changed life, a changed heart, a changed soul. If someone cannot fulfil what Christ said are the 2 great commandments, love for God and love for others... what makes you think a heart transaction ever really occurred? If they claim to have been saved 4 years ago but are living the same now as then did they ever really change within? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Our heart as it changes will bring forth evidences of what is within, whether good or bad.

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He wontbe around for very long anyway. He's something like 78 and john paul II died when he was 84. They should choose a younger pope for once :/ . i

Krap (and everyone else who thinks there should be a younger pope) - You can't just pick a young pope. To even be considered to become a pope, a priest must have risen to the rank of cardinal in the vatican, and that doesn't come overnight. It takes years of service to ascend to that rank.

As for the notion that the New Pope is a Nazi, that's completely unfair. During the Nazi reign, even if you weren't Jewish, that didn't necessarily mean you were off the hook. If you refused to go along with Hitler's regimes, you were just as good as dead.

The Nazi Youth program was primarily targeted at boys, in order to train them to one day continue the fight of Nazi soldiers when they grew up. It was a program of mass-propaganda - boys were trained to make war, while girls were taught that their place was in the home and that they were important because they could bear children for Greater Germany - do you get a feel for what it was like now? You couldn't just say, "oh hey they're nazis, right I'm not gonna join them Mum," - you just plain didn't have a choice!

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