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Hosting And Hotlinking Mp3... ???

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Hello all,A big reason why I went with this site was because I have a myspace account that I wanted to have music for. I figured this would be a great site for hosting the files. The problem is that I have uploaded an mp3 into my file manager (took me some time to figure it out but I got it) and now I have no idea where to put it, how to find the url for it and allow it to hotlink. Once I have that up I plan on just having a player on the website that essentially streams the song, and I have people that can help me with that.At this point the issue is getting the file somewhere where I can access it. Can someone help me out or point me in the right direction?Thanks!Brock

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Finding the URL of a file after you upload it is pretty easy.


First off, EVERYTHING goes INSIDE the "public_html" folder (refer to the screenshot below). Ignore all the stuff not inside the public_html folder.


To access the public_html folder, go to your cPanel. Next, find "File Manager", and a window should pop up. You should see a bunch of folders and files and stuff. Your File Manager should look somewhat like this:

Posted Image


Now, to upload your file so you can access it, go inside your public_html folder like my screenshot above says. Then, click on Upload to upload.

Posted Image


Browse for a file by clicking one of the many "Browse" buttons, and click the Upload button once you have find the MP3 you want to upload. I am going to upload game.txt as my test file, but just pretend my game.txt is an mp3 file.

Posted Image


After clicking the Upload button, you should be taken back to your public_html folder except this time, there should be a blurb that tells you that game.txt is uploaded (or in your case, blah.mp3).


To find the URL of your mp3 file, scroll down on the left pane to find your mp3 file. I have scrolled down to find my game.txt file. After you find your mp3 file, click on the file name.

Posted Image


One final note, it's against the Terms of Service of Xisto to upload anything copyrighted, so keep that in mind. :o


If you have any questions left, feel free to PM me or post a reply :D

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Awesome, I think I got it working. There is one other question I have, and maybe you could help me out with it.I was reading one of the other topics and I wanted to move some pictures over to the domain using an FTP client. But everytime I try to move anything at all it starts the transfer and then it says "critical error- disc quota exceeded." I have no idea what this means, and as far as I can tell from reading the FTP settings I have there ARE no quotas. Any ideas?

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Yes, go to your cPanel, and tell me what this number says:

Posted Image


Tell me the numerator for the fraction circled in the screenshot. If the two numbers are close to each other on the number line, then you will have to upgrade to Package 2, which will give you 150 MB instead of 20 MB. :D


Edit: I originally put "Tell me the denominator..." :o

Edited by snlildude87 (see edit history)

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