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Mysql Problem Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: sql_db

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i have a problem with phpnuke. i uploaded and chmod it and then i get this error:http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6665-mysql-database-setup-setting-up-mysql-database-guide-to-use-mysql-database-in-your-site/
and i think o have a problem in the cpanle too. if i make an mysql server it doesnt show it on cpanel only at phpmyadmin and at phpmyadmin i dont see any users that i tried to make

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This is a problem with your script. We have nothing to do with this. And be considerate, before making such topics, which give an impression that there is something wrong with our server.

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It should specify in the error message which line the error is occuring on within the script ('on line x'). Take a look there, and see what the problem is. It is obviously something to do with the class sql_db - so look for something along the lines of '$sql_db->blah'.


As it says that the class is non-existant, I would guess that it is expecting the class to be defined from a second script which is part of the phpNuke library; but perhaps the wrong script is being called, or maybe even a non-existant one (ie. @include('non-existant-script.php'))? Try looking in your configuration file, and make sure you have specified to use MySQL as the database engine. I'm not sure if phpNuke supports anything else, but it might be trying to use a different engine entirely, if you get my drift (I confuse myself at times).


Just out of curiosity, did you use Fantastico to install phpNuke, or did you upload it and do it yourself?


As for your second problem, what do you mean create a MySQL server? There is only one MySQL server on which all of the databases are stored (which is Xisto). A new one isn't set up for every single hosting account.

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