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Simple solution: Don't sign up :)You can also support Xisto by clicking on them because trap gets more money that way. If you're bored and have nothing to do, why not click on a few advertisements to show your appreciation for Xisto?

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That is advertizing on the left and the last posts on the right. The content in the ads should be relevant to what is on the page. We are a free webhost and we have paid hosting, you are right the ads will be on free hosting and paid hosting.Nils

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OpaQue is a very good programmer :) I think he set it up so that it makes it easies to see the last posts and I think it's an advantage to be able to see the last posts/relevant links :) Ops, Edit... O was answering something else... the relevant links is ads. (almost like google ads) but better :DNils

Edited by NilsC (see edit history)

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