When I first saw the answer to the question - What is democracy? made me laugh: - Democracy is freedom for us to choose dictators.Today again I read the same thing again , but except that I smiled , i felt bad. I felt bad for all people around or not around me who believe in existance of democracy where the nation is the government. Ironical , but very true definition , and we see this practically.Well , for what democracy we fight? For our freedom to choose politician which controls us? And we can't even have that freedom. We don't know democracy. It's absolute freedom to close our eyes and fight. For what? For nothing... I write this , but why? For nothing. I will continue paying taxes and choosing presidents , and i won't know where my money will go. I write on Xisto , to tell people , but i am pretty sure that nothing will happen.It always depends on the position in the society , right? A prime minister or mayor would say that democracy is the best social system and it works pretty well. I would like to see your opinions (not your social position :D ) about your life and the democracy in it.