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Found 3 results

  1. So Ive known this girl for a couple months. Started off as a Long Distance Relationship and we texted frequently and skyped when we could. She moved to my town about a month ago and we seen each other a handful of times. In the past she was good at texting back and I gave her the same courtesy, but as of late the texts seemed later and interest dropping (she didnt accept my invitation out but said "next week?") to which I never got a text. So I did what any man would do - cut contact immediately. Now a week passes of the no contact and she texts me one night."Are you alive?" (I dont respond)"Just wanted to check in.. See how you were doing! Hope things are good . Have a good night!"I havnt responded to the last message because I want people opinions: First off, should I reply? Second, Is this some sort of game she's playing for self gratification of is she interested?Open to all opinions/suggestions
  2. A guy facebooked me a couple of years ago, he was interested in me as something more than a friend. We didn't get to meet at the time and he was soon dating someone else but we still maintained contact. I saw it as a relationship that will either develop into a good friendship or into something more. He then split from that partner and was here a few months a bit messed up but then all of a sudden he flew home and we didn't get to meet.He stayed in touch for a bit then I didn't hear from him for a few months due to him meeting someone else, but it's turned out to be an on / off relationship. He then got in touch with me I think it was when they were off anyway the emails are always friendly nothing too heavy. He told me at xmas that when he goes back home he will probably finish with his partner.We even said if he had time before he's due back to meet up as we have never actually met or spoken on the phone.His gf has posted stuff on wall like asking women not to poke him and when they are having arguments she would send him a love song and say we'll be together forever as a wall message.At the beginning of this year I didn't hear much from him figured he was sorting stuff out with his gf. But about a week ago I noticed he un-friended me. He didn't email me to explain why he un-friended me or anything.I am a bit disappointed as we've been friends in virtual world for a couple of years and I would definitely have sent him a message. Obviously I valued the friendship we had more than he did.Some people have said they think he's split from the gf or they are on one of their off fazes no-one is really sure.He deleted me and a few others, we have about 30+ mutual friends and it's gone down to 24 of which the girls he has kept are your fun, no strings attached types who are in their 20s he's in his 40s as well some married women. If he had deleted all women I would understand that he is getting very serious with his gf but find it doubtful with the girls he has kept on there.My female friends say I should email him to find out why? What do guys think about this because women and men think very differently. Our emails were nice and the last one we shared was wishing each other a Happy New Year!Do you have any idea why he would un-friend me?
  3. This is my first relationship I have ever had and I have never been happier.My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 6 months now and we are still going strong and I do believe we are soul mates, meant to be and will defiantly have a future together, he also agrees. We have everything in common and we never fight and it is always fun to be together, it is like having a best friend as your true love. This is mine and his first relationship and so we are both very new to these new things, I for one have no idea what I am doing, at least he has a bit of knowledge and research of what to do.I have a rough idea of what to do from observation from others, but I am still a little unsure. He has been teaching me a lot of things about what couples do and how each gender feels. It isn't perverted! ><I wanted to understand how males minds work to know how he thinks, so he truthfully told me. He says he wants honesty and would never lie or exaggerate or anything like that so he told me. He is very bold and truthful when it comes to these topics. He says since he is a guy he has obviously done research of it when he was young and was curious. I never really thought I'd find someone so I never payed attention to things such as these and now when it comes down to it, I have no idea what to do and if I should be doing it and how I should be feeling.When we first started dating I told him that I made a promise to myself that my first kiss would be the one I'd marry, and he agreed, and I had my first kiss. We were a very shy and awkward couple back then. 3 months into the relationship, we finally built up the courage to go beyond holding hands and peeks on the check into proper kissing. About 3 or so weeks after that we asked if it was okay to try tongue. He said that he will always ask before ever trying something and made sure that it wasn't a one sided thing. I agreed and I really admired his responsibly and respect, unlike some guys I hear that have no respect for girls.I asked him out of curiosity recently of what he wanted from me, seeing as I was trying to understand the male's mind. He truthfully said to touch my breasts. I was very shocked, surprised and embarrassed. But he told me that every guys thinks this because it is just human nature. He also said he wouldn't try anything or think of doing anything unless I also willingly agreed.I asked that if he really wanted to. He said yes, but he wouldn't. I said would it make him happy if I said yes. He said only if I willingly agreed and that he wouldn't force or pressure me. But I wanted to make him happy and I knew that he wanted this. So I agreed, but not raw, only on the top. I was very shocked and embarrassed when he touched me, but I knew I made him happy.But now, it seems that all he wants is my body and I am a bit scared. So I asked him this and he said that is is not the case because he really does love me and listen to me emotionally and etc, but also has male urges. He also said that he has trouble saying to me and showing me how much he loves me, so he said he sows this with his actions, that is why we seem to always be kissing when we are together, But sometimes, I don't want to always do this, I want us to be together and do other things besides always this, like playing games or watching movies or relaxing at home cuddling and talking. But I understand that guys don't work like that, so I don't mind I guess, it can't be helped and as long as he means that he is just not wanting my body to please his lust, I am happy.I said to him that I have Christian values, like sex before marriage and he agrees, he is Catholic so that is good. Once he was touching my breasts recently and he stopped saying that of he continued he'd want to go further.I was happy that he stopped an said that so I know that he has self control. But then a few days later he asked if it was alright to touch under my top. I didn't directly answer him, cause I don't want to because if touching over my top made him want to go further, imagine what he would do if he got that I thought. I asked him and he said he would never ever do anything related to sex with me, but I still think about what he feels and wants and I am a sucker for him, always trying to please him, But I do not want to do this... not yet anyway.I must confess that I do lack communication with him and never really tell him how I feel like if I have a headache or if I am sure with something.If it is possible I would like advice. Am I doing anything wrong or right?Thank you
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