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  1. A few days back, I received an email from some person at moredigital.com. The email was about an offer to advertise on my site. The email looked auto-generated as there were no customizations specific for my case but more importantly, the email was not sent to the admin email address associated with the website. Instead it was sent to the email address through which the domain is registered. I think of it as a very unprofessional way of communication but I don't know if I am a bit too harsh...In the email, I was told that the company wants to put text based ads on my website and that they would pay me on annual basis. YES! they would pay me annually.. It is one strange thing I found in the email as I have never heard of a programme that pays on annual basis. In current ecosystem, a period of 12 months is a bit too long for good business. However, the nice part is that they would pay me in the beginning of the 12 months period and not at the end. This decreases the level of suspicion by a certain extent but still I am not in favor of long term agreements.Another important part was that I will have to put text based ad: A proper dofollow link on one of the pages of my website. For those who don't know much about this stuff: it is called selling links and it is strictly prohibited by the boss GOOGLE. Some people reading this might think why should I care so much about google? My answer to them is that I run adsense ads as the primary source of income on my website and I don't want to do anything that can risk my primary source of income.But still I replied to the detail asking more about what type of advertisement they are talking about and that they should provide me a sample so that I could undersand better. I also asked about what kind of payment should I be expecting and which payment processors they would use to transfer the money.In a timeframe of about one day, I got the reply form the email that had sent me the first one. In that email it was stated there are two ways of advertisement. First method is that I would create a new page on my website and they would provide me the all the content for the page. It was stated that the content would be according to the theme of the website and my opinions will be taken into consideration. The second method was that I would create a new page as well as content for it and they would only provide a URL link to be placed on that page. Here I would make sure that they approve the content of the page.Though they didn't say anything abou the link being nofollow or dofollow, but through the sample they provided, it was made clear to me that I will have to put a dofollow link on my website. I might have agreed even in this case, as a link to an external website which is related to the topic of the page is not against google's policy but the real thing was how much I was supposed to earn from that link.It was mentioned in the email that if I was to select the first option (content created by them), they would pay me an annual fee of $100 and if I was to select the second option (content created by me), they would pay me $130. This amount of money is way less than I expected. Maybe it is more than enough for this kind of advertisement but I don't have any experience with this form of advertisement and I feel that it is a bit too less for me to approve their proposal.I did some research on the internet about the company. The review about them were not good. Most of the places stated that they are not very honest about their payments and most people do not receive their payments at all. This research has further grayed out my opinions about the company and although I haven't made any reply to the email yet, I think it would be in a negative way.Have anyone of you done business with moredigital.com? If yes, what was it like?
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